No Love Without Love-"Eleven Arhats"

Nat 2021-10-13 13:06:41

Most men talk about women, and most women talk about men. During this period of busy Feifei, the first movie I stopped to watch was "Eleven Arhats" that I wanted to watch for a long time. I thought I would see a hearty crime with a high IQ, but what I saw was still a love affair. A crazy thing done by the man's waywardness.

Love is the eternal theme of literary works, so why is it not so? Except for a small number of movies without love, in most movies, love is not the main line but also a very important side line. The so-called "no love is not a shadow" is the reason. In class, our teacher said a sentence I remember very clearly, saying that libido is the source of creation, and libido is the driving force of sex, which is the pleasure of various parts of the body, such as love, taste buds, etc., libido Once you disregard the shackles of the world, you will be very selfish. Movies are called dreams of light and shadow. With libido as the driving force, many movies can bring people a sense of surprise, and there are also many movies that make people feel unacceptable. The reason is how much libido is bound by the creator. .

So many movies are very obscure, many movies are very bizarre, of course, most of the movies are sold for money, so almost created for the market, "Eleven Arhats" is such a commercial blockbuster.

The whole story of "Eleven Arhats" is a casino robbery. Because spoilers will reduce the perception of viewing, I will not say too much detail, but it can be said that the ending is really clever, and there is a way to make people I feel so happy that this kind of ending bad guys have not been brought to justice. Our mainland will absolutely not allow shooting, but it cannot be denied that this kind of ending is free and easy to enjoy. When I watch it, it is really cool!

Perhaps it is the reason why I have watched "The Flying Thief". The plot of this film is not very amazing to me, but the lineup really shocked me. The All-Star lineup is not adulterated at all. In retrospect, watching this movie should be directed at Matt Damon, even though he didn't have many scenes in it. Julia Roberts, I have never gotten to her beautiful point, and this movie is no exception. I still have to sigh, Brad Pitt is really so productive.

Suitable for the crowd: everyone's

recommendation index: three stars

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Ocean's Eleven quotes

  • Danny: [talking privately over dinner while Tess is waiting for Terry] You remember the day I went out for cigarettes and didn't come back? You must have noticed.

    [goes to sit down]

    Tess: I don't smoke. Don't sit!

  • Saul: [to Danny and Rusty] Tess is with Benedict now? She's too tall for him!