Slit them Motherfucking Fairy Tales

Patsy 2021-10-13 13:06:45

Shrek is an adaptation and subversion of classic fairy tales. In the original story, the beast turned into a handsome prince with the true love of the beauty. But in the movie, it reverses: the beautiful princess turned into an ugly beast after expressing her love toward Shrek. In addition, the dragon has a feminine character instead of a furious and destructive masculine figure. In fairy tales, the princess are always beautiful and will always find her Mr. Right, who's bound to be handsome and charming. But in this way the character of the protagonists becomes fuzzy and far from the reality. On the contrary, this movie contains more human stuff. Magic or supernatural here aren't that important, what matters is Shrek and Fiona themselves. Shrek wasn't meant to save the princess;the princess wasn't meant to fall in love with him either-but their own decisions brought them together. In the end, Shrek and Fiona, the two ugly ogres, lived happily-They are like all of us. This is not just make -believe. I bet most adults would appreciate this movie because they can see themselves-the imperfect yet unique ones-, which may account for the enormous success of the Shrek series.

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Extended Reading
  • Hannah 2022-03-24 09:01:04

    The reason why I got the first episode of the Little Golden Man animation feature is that it created a new selling point for animation spoofs. Most of the time it was Eddie Murphy's talking donkey.

  • Ivy 2022-03-23 09:01:04

    Shrek is org. In the past, people used to write org as the evil devil, but in Shrek, he became a lovely and honest farmer. Although the story uses the template of the frog prince (actually a human princess turns into an orge), it is still worth watching.

Shrek quotes

  • [Dragon, having a crush on Donkey, is cuddling him]

    Donkey: [desperately talking] I don't want to rush into a... physical relationship... I'm not that emotionally ready for a... uh... commitment of this... uh... magnitude! Really, that's the word I'm looking for, magnitude... Huh! Hey, that is unwanted physical contact! Hey! What're you doing? Okay, okay, okay... let's just back up a little and take this one step at a time... I mean, we should really get to know each other first, you know, as friends or maybe even as pen pals, you know, coz I'm on the road a lot, but I just love to get a card... Hey, hey, hey, don't do that, that's my TAIL, that's my personal tail, you gonna tear it off! I don't give permission to... Hey, what're you gonna do with that? Oh, no, no, no, no... no!

  • Donkey: Okay, so here's another question: Say there's a woman who digs you, right, but you really don't like her THAT quick - now how do you let her down real easy so her feelings aren't hurt, but you don't get burned to a crisp and eaten? How do you do that?

    Princess Fiona: Just tell her she's not your true love!