Eskimo pussy is mighty cold

Angie 2022-03-20 09:01:09

The film is divided into two halves. The first half is about the training process of a group of Marine Corps recruits on Parris Island. The second half of the story is accompanied by one of the war reporters "Joker" to South Vietnam in early 1968. When Joker was in Vietnam, he wore a helmet with "born to kill" written on his chest, with a peace-loving symbol on his chest, which can be used to interpret the themes of the two parts separately.

The rhythm of the first half is very lively, accompanied by the dark humor in many military camps. R. Lee Ermey, who played the instructor, was indeed a Marine Corps instructor in the Vietnam War, and a lot of his lines were based on some of his memories. This part of the story is to demonstrate through the harsh training of this iron-blooded instructor that the soldiers who have been brainwashed are not to be trained to be robots, but to kill machines. And even the most cowardly and incompetent "Gomer Pyle" among them, eventually shot the 7.62mm metal bullet case at his always timid instructor without hesitation.

The content of the second half is a bit loose. However, we can still see some clues from the dialogues of many characters:
1) In order to boost morale, the US military made fake news (which is quite political).
2) The United States did not enter the war to fight for the freedom of the Vietnamese people ("Doc Jay" quoted LBJ's words to satirize the Vietnam War: "We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves". Connecting to today’s Iraq and Afghanistan, this joke has no expiration date).
3) The US military shot and killed civilians, even women and children innocently ("Animal Mother": This isn't about freedom; this is a slaughter.).
4) The morale of the US military is low, and everyone is looking forward to the day of returning home ("Cowboy": Tough break for Hand Job. He was all set to get shipped out on a medical. ).
5) The bargaining skills of U.S. soldiers when calling prostitutes (Five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend).
6) The best strategy for the so-called U.S. Marines who have been trained to be extremely strong-willed is to wait for tank support when they encounter a blocker but have an absolute advantage in numbers. The middle strategy is to abandon the injured team to retreat, and the next strategy is to face it.

The combination of music is unworldly.
The adaptation of the script is also seamless.
The lens is the usual Kubrick style.
But the final climax of the show (Joker struggled to end up with the young Viet Cong sniper girl) was diluted by Joker's monologue in the final Mickey Mouse March. Why is he not afraid anymore? Just because he didn't die? Shouldn't he be confused and world-weary? The ending is to inspire the audience that war should make people cherish life more? Or Kubrick just wanted to add a little relaxed atmosphere after the solemn orgasm. I don’t know why.

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Extended Reading
  • Haley 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Nationalist youths, if they want to see America making a fool of themselves, they should watch Vietnam War movies; and Kubrick's films are not Vietnam War movies, but movies that are ugly under nationalism and even hegemonism.

  • Helen 2022-03-24 09:01:11

    Stanley Kubrick is so special. The humorous black irony, the war's distortion of human nature, are all crazy and profound! ! this is my rifle! this is my gun! This is for fighting! this is for fun!

Full Metal Jacket quotes

  • Private Joker: I wanna slip my tube steak into your sister. What'll you take in trade?

    Private Cowboy: What do you got?

  • Da Nang Hooker: Hey, baby. You got girlfriend Vietnam?

    Private Joker: Not just this minute.

    Da Nang Hooker: Well, baby, me so horny. Me so HORNY. Me love you long time. You party?

    Private Joker: Yeah, we might party. How much?

    Da Nang Hooker: Fifteen dollar.

    Private Joker: Fifteen dollars for both of us?

    Da Nang Hooker: No. Each you fifteen dollar. Me love you long time. Me so HORNY.

    Private Joker: Fifteen dollar too beaucoup. Five dollars each.

    Da Nang Hooker: Me sucky-sucky. Me love you too much.

    Private Joker: Five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend.

    Da Nang Hooker: Okay. Ten dollar each.

    Private Joker: What do we get for ten dollars?

    Da Nang Hooker: Every t'ing you want.

    Private Joker: Everything?

    Da Nang Hooker: Every t'ing.

    Private Joker: [to Rafterman] Well, old buddy, feel like spending some of your hard-earned money?