Despicable story

Sigrid 2022-03-21 09:01:07

The first thought after reading "despicable me" is that the text is not correct. The Chinese version of "Despicable Me" is more appropriate. If you are attracted by the "despicable me" and watch this movie, thinking that you have seen a little gothic dark temperament from its title and posters, then you are likely to be disappointed. The movie actually has only two parts: the first part tells that a thief with a Spanish accent used a high-tech made by an Englishman to steal a lot of things, including a shrinking device invented by a North Korean. But the shrinking instrument was stolen by the sportswear again. The second part shows the story of how this old Spanish man became a good dad by three little American girls.

This kind of drama that first suppresses and then promotes, or that bad guys become good people, is too old to be old anymore. Therefore, with such a script selected, the so-called creativity can only be used for "high-tech" such as "high-tech" that does not affect the plot, the central details, as well as the international characters and those corn boys. In terms of novelty and dazzling degree, "The Incredibles" and "Meet the Robinsons" are not inferior; on the contrary, these two Disney dramas are more brilliant and full of meaning, even though they are the third tune of family and family. "The Incredibles" uses superpowers as the shell, and explores the problems that modern families may encounter, such as mid-life crisis and self-identity. It is interlocked, tightly paced, and logical; "Meet the Robinsons" is even more playable. Traveling through time and space has the meaning of the animated version of "Back to the Future", which expresses the truth that people should focus on the future, let go of the past, and live a positive life.

But the plot of "Despicable Me" is very simple: the reason why Gru adopted three little loli to steal back the shrinking instrument, but the three little loli still did not know that they were taken advantage of and then unaware of the abuse. Although everyone was happy at the end, this unexplained conflict made the whole story a lot paler. Is this movie set in a world where "theft is art"? The part of restoring the moon is also contrary to common sense. Although imagination overrides life, and imagination dominates art, the blunt garden full of stories and far-fetched associations are not included.

In addition, the whole film also interspersed with other parent-child relationships: the mother never paid attention to Gru's ideas (so that the old virgin wanted to go crazy after he grew up), and the bank president always instructed Vector to do this. That. But these additions will only make people feel that they exist to cover up the pale and weak subject. Making the audience feel that the theme is a little bit off is not showing the complexity of the story, and some are just counter-effects.

When this kind of weird self-salvation drama appears in the form of animation in front of a child-oriented audience, I don't know what the children can learn. After all, the three children in it are all three green leaves with perfect personalities.

However, the director and screenwriter succeeded in turning an unnutritious story into a 3D animation, and added a bluffing name "despicable me". From this point of view, it is really "despicable" and very counter-topic.

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Despicable Me quotes

  • Gru: [defeated by Vector] Oh, come on!

  • Vector: [on the phone] Gru?


    Vector: Don't make me laugh! And P.S., he is not getting the moon! And P.P.S., when I'm done with Gru, he's gonna be begging for mercy!