Lies, Myths and Prophecies: The Game of Thrones Behind "Wonder Woman"

Eliseo 2022-03-22 09:01:05

Does Zeus love humans? How did Wonder Woman come from? Why must Ares die? All doubts, that's how it is.

When the flash of the gas bomb blasting over Belgium pierced the net cast by the night god, the gods on the top of Olympus had not recovered from their shock. They talked a lot, nothing more than guessing "where did this daughter of Zeus pop out" or arguing about "how Are Ares's 30,000 years of retreat, and how he went back alive" and other gossips. Of course, Hera, whose face was covered in black lines, pretended not to hear these gossips. She turned her head back in a posture of inquiring about sins, squinting at Zeus on the throne. However, the scumbag husband ignored his wife's provocation. The wise Lord God has already seen through everything: it is really necessary to play the next move while busy.

The lie of "Paradise Island": Does Zeus really "love" humans?

Both Wonder Woman and the people on "Paradise Island" believe in a myth: Zeus loves humans. That's why Zeus created their Amazons, a selected race that brings lasting peace to mankind. Their destiny is to fight, but it is to stop the war with war. The source of human warfare is the result of the evil war god Ares. As long as Ares is eliminated, peace will come to the world forever. In fact, as long as they are a little bit curious and sneak out of that lonely island to meet the world, this naive lie will soon be self-defeating.

Although she is a goddess, she is also very stupid and naive

In Greek mythology, humans were not created by Zeus. Prometheus of the Titans created the shape and character of humans from the soil, and Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, gave the human soul. The emergence of humans did not attract Zeus's attention at the beginning. Later, because of their prosperous reproduction and more intelligence than other animals, Zeus paid more attention to humans. He asked humans to worship gods, especially him, as a condition to protect humans. This kind of "protection" is nothing more than a kind of rent-seeking power, and it is nothing more than a sacrifice of blood and food below, and there is no special affection. When Prometheus made hands and feet in the sacrifice in order to relieve the burden on mankind, Zeus furiously refused to provide mankind with the last thing necessary for life: fire, and cruelly punished Prometheus who stole the fire. ... All of this reveals a cold truth: Zeus does not love humans at all, and the rise and fall of mankind is irrelevant to him.

Prometheus, who truly loves mankind, was tortured by Zeus for a long time.

The myth of the "chosen race": what is the matter with the Amazon female warrior?

Contrary to clichés such as "the race of the gods" and "preserving peace", the origins of the Amazon women warriors are probably not as high-sounding as they think they are. In Greek mythology, there was no woman in the world. Zeus ordered the gods to create one, and she was Pandora. As the appointed candidate, Pandora accomplished the task assigned by Zeus brilliantly. She opened the catastrophe box and plunged mankind into disasters and fears, but left hope at the bottom of the box. In theory, all women are descendants of Pandora, and their existence is itself the punishment of Zeus to humans (mainly men). Among them, naturally also includes the pretentious Amazonian women warriors on Paradise Island.

Pandora, the first female human being, and also the first female spy...

In fact, the Amazonian warrior was not Zeus's darling at first, but a fan of Ares. This can be seen in their fully armed militarized life. In this regard, Zeus just played a small trick and easily converted the faith of these female murderers. After all, the divine power of the main god is invincible in terms of electric discharge.

In order to make up for the pregnancy scandal caused by the one-night stand, the Amazon queen had to fabricate the so-called "Zeus created us, we love peace" and other myths, and asked Zeus the power of eternal youth. At the same time, Zeus justifiably accepted this race under the Kua (kua) and placed them on the "Paradise Island" under the cover of heavy fog, isolated from the world and easy to monitor.

The prophecy of the "God Killer": Why must Ares die?

As the number one villain, Ares, the god of war, is notorious. One of the biggest crimes is the "war criminal." Yes, he likes violent bloodshed. But did Zeus both love and attack a group of peace? "Government comes out of the barrel of a gun." Isn’t the position of Zeus also earned when he merged with the Titans? Why is he always wise and martial in fighting, and Ares being warlike is heinous? To put it bluntly, this is a question of who has the right to speak, and it is also a natural reflection of the outcome of the power game in the gods.

In Greek mythology, the power struggle in the gods has always been full of extreme bloody violence and heavy conspiracy. Killing fathers and mothers, fratricidal brothers and sisters, and even devouring children are commonplace in the God Realm. Among the three generations of god kings, Uranus was seriously wounded and fleeed into the sky; Kronos' minions were wiped out, and he fell forever; Zeus ascended to the throne of power in a sea of ​​blood. With the power of thunder in his hand, he watched the Three Realms, and the mighty world was unmatched for a while. However, it is inevitable that people will be weak in Linyuan when they are at a high place. There is no family affection in the power struggle. The tragic end of the previous god king made Zeus shudder, and the prophecy of the goddess of fate made him even more frightened: Zeus will also be overthrown by his stronger son. And this day will eventually come...

Zeus defeated his father, Kronos, the god king of the previous generation. Will the same fate fall on him?

This prediction is not groundless. Since gods are old and immortal, once they occupy the niche of power, it is impossible to retire and hand over under normal circumstances. Although the high-ranking person is old and incompetent, he will always be in power, while the inferior may not be able to extend the talents of the heavens and the earth. The ossification of the power system of the gods determines that the change of the highest power can only be achieved through illegal and violent means. In order to avoid a direct conflict between the gods and the gods to fight for the supreme power and cause devastating wars, the Olympus gods reached a tacit understanding to engage in indirect games by intervening in the human world. This kind of "proxy war" type of conspiracy contest has begun since the Trojan era. The gods are divided into two major factions, and Zeus is aloof, watching the fire from the other side, and winning the game at any time. Since then, every dispute of mankind has the shadow of the gods behind it. Representatives of the gods, such as Athena, Poseidon, and Hades, have specially trained a group of human agents, dubbed "X Fighters", and taught them knowledge and skills about fighting, and used them in the war. Control the destiny of the human world. Of course, Zeus is no exception.

Behind every war that determines the destiny of mankind, there is a figure of a saint, or a horse of other gods.

In order to prevent the appearance of the "stronger son" in the prophecy, and to win the battle between the gods, Zeus secretly cultivated a group of "god killers" through the inheritance of humans. These people are called "half-killers" in Greek mythology. "Gods", they have part of the power of Gods, which conforms to the rule of "Only Gods Can Kill Gods", but the identity of human beings can effectively avoid direct battles among the gods. Using no-name pawns to bring down big shots, with low risks and high returns, is a common tactic in political struggles. "Wonder Woman" is the secret weapon Zeus used to destroy Ares, the "more powerful son".

"God Killer" is not a sword, but a person

Why must Ares die? Is it just because he and Zeus have different views on humans? As mentioned earlier, Zeus actually doesn't love humans at all, and his attitude towards humans is the relationship between request and use. Ares' aversion to humans has no fundamental contradiction with Zeus's attitude. However, what power pays attention to is the strict hierarchical relationship. Some words can only be said by the supreme ruler, and some things can only be decided by the supreme ruler. Others have no right to be beaked. If they insist on intervening, that is arrogant. crime. Although Ares is quite good at fighting and killing, he lacks such a rib in politics. He doesn't understand that the life and death of human beings is not important, and your Ares attitude is the key. The destiny of mankind can only be determined by the main god Zeus. When is it your turn to dictate? In view of this, Zeus had to wonder whether Ares’ political ambitions had reached the point of being stunned, and Ares’s political IQ did not disappoint. The final battle in Belgium in 1918 only fulfilled the ending that Zeus had planned for this "more powerful son".

Altman: Are you sure this trick is not learned from me?

When the energy of thunder and lightning turned the "evil" god of war into powder, Wonder Woman, Diana, one of the many demigods created by Zeus' one-night stand, seemed to understand something. The moment the prophecy came true, the lies and myths also ended: the war did not end because of the death of the evil god, and it seemed that the war would never end. The picture of the real world is so chaotic and unclear, and she is just a chess piece played by God. But Lincoln said: "You can deceive everyone for a while, or you can deceive some people forever, but you can't deceive everyone forever." Then in the next movie, the "God Killer" will raise the sword to whom Woolen cloth? Can the all-knowing and all-doing Lord God escape the fate of prophecy?

I definitely won't shoot, I thought.

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Wonder Woman quotes

  • Queen Hippolyta: [gives Diana Antiope's tiara] This belonged to the greatest warrior who ever lived.

  • [Steve gives Diana glasses to wear]

    Etta Candy: Really, specs? Suddenly she's not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?