
Hadley 2022-09-04 20:44:27

"The most popular legend about the origin of the city of Rome is this: after the Greek allied forces captured the city of Troy, the Trojan hero Aeneas led his troops to flee, and he came to Latium, Italy. Region. Aeneas was killed in a battle. His son Askania founded the city of Albaronga. From then on, the throne was passed down from generation to generation. When it came to King Numitor, the throne Usurped by his brother Amulo; Amulo forced Numitor's daughter Lia Sylvia to become a priestess (not allowed to marry). Sylvia bore two boys with Mars, the god of war. Amulo sent people to throw the twin brothers into the Tiber River. But the children were washed to the bank by the river, and a she-wolf fed them alive. Later, they were raised by a shepherd and husband and finally grew up - brother The name was Romulus, and the younger brother's name was Remus. Together they killed Amulo, seized the city of Albaronga and the throne, and built a new city on the banks of the Tiber, where they had been abandoned. Later, there was a relationship between the brothers. In the dispute, Romulus killed Remus and named the new city after his own name as Rome (Roma-Rome). According to the Roman writer Varro in the 1st century BC, Rome was founded in 753 BC. The ancient Romans used this year to mark the year." (quoted from "General History of the World")

The screenplay of the movie should be based on this legend. The part of the female wolf is too bizarre, so I skip it and change it to an adult encountering a flood, showing the deep brotherhood. So everyone may be more sympathetic to the killing of the younger brother. But the screenwriter seems to want to express that thinking that transcends the times is dangerous. In the theocratic era, you don't believe in gods. On the contrary, in the civil rights era, miracles are still used to confuse people, which is also the source of chaos.

In addition, the period from 753 BC to 509 BC was the period of monarchy, and the period of 27 years ago was the period of republic. In the first 27 years, the Senate awarded Octavian the title of "Augustus", and Rome entered the monarchy. During the monarchical period or the period of royal administration, the "king" is subject to the people's assembly and the Senate, which is different from the emperor in the empire, so it seems inappropriate to translate Rome into "Roman Empire" in the closing subtitles, but just "Rome".

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