1408 The director's meaning should be

Elmore 2022-01-25 08:06:39

I think everything is the hotel's routine, because the protagonist ignores ghosts and the hotel manager's room is also famous, the result is that the protagonist burns himself and loses to the hotel. At first, the hotel gave the protagonist a bottle of wine and then stuffed a bunch of them. Scary photos and my own research on the hotel on the Internet, everything that happened in the room was experienced by the protagonist instead of appearing out of thin air. We all know that when people are afraid, it will be difficult for them to come out unless someone saves them, so the room There's no problem, it's all based on my own fears, and at the beginning, the protagonist became hot after drinking and then fell asleep, and then it was the beginning of the story. In fact, at the end, the protagonist woke up, but the protagonist didn't believe it but burned himself. Going out is fine or waiting for the protagonist's wife to come over. The hotel still knows what the unsolved mystery is in room 1408. In the end, the manager listened to the tape recorder left by the protagonist and the manager himself became afraid.

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Extended Reading


  • [last lines]

    Mike Enslin: [on tape recorder] I've got you now, Katie. Oh my God. I'm not gonna let you go.

  • Mike Enslin: Is 1408 a smoking room?

    Gerald Olin: As a matter of fact, it is. Yes.

    Mike Enslin: Good, one less worry in the watches of the night.

    Gerald Olin: Care for a cigar?

    Mike Enslin: No thank you, I don't smoke.