
Agustina 2022-03-15 09:01:02

I chose to watch Live Free or Die Hard because of Bruce Willis.
But after watching it, I was not disappointed with the content. If you like Bruce Willis and
don't dislike action movies, it is still worth watching.

I won't introduce much content, let's talk about Bruce Willis and men here.
Since I was in middle school, I
have always admired Bruce Willis since I saw the series MoonLighting starring Bruce Willis .
For more than 20 years, his face has hardly changed, but I have changed from a silly girl who has no idea about boys and girls to a woman who has been tortured by many emotions.
But his smile is still the most attractive in my heart. So charming!!!
I think back then, when he was always looking at the heroine in MoonLighting, the corner of his right mouth was
slightly tilted up , he gave a wicked smile and a deep smile. At the time I was 14 years old and I couldn’t help exclaiming:
“How can I It’s such a good smile!" But I haven’t realized that this is the charm of a man.
Now in his 50s, he is still smiling wickedly, so I want to watch his movies.

When He Jie talked about his smile, Jie would ask me, "Then I have a bad smile?"
I replied, "You also have a good smile, but you are not the same type as him."
"Which one do you like? "
Of course I like you, I just admire him"
"Oh". . .

Then after a while, when I talk about a certain actor, the same dialogue will appear again.
Appreciating a man is different from liking him. Is it so difficult to understand?

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Extended Reading
  • Oliver 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    Although the plot is not good, the scene is still hot. As long as there is "the policeman", traditional Hollywood action movies can still be strong!

  • Jazlyn 2022-04-23 07:01:09

    For a series of movies, it should be closed after 3 shooting.

Live Free or Die Hard quotes

  • John McClane: Come on. Government's gonna have dozens of departments dedicated to that shit!

    Matt Farrell: It took FEMA *five days* to get water to the Superdome.

  • John McClane: How do you know all this stuff?

    Matt Farrell: Dude I don't know. There is a lot rattling around up there. I couldn't tell you.