
Barrett 2022-02-28 08:02:17

What a mess, I'm like Thad's prodigal kneeling in front of the filthy chapel trying to understand what it looks like.

Art is new, strung together by a whole bunch of the most beautiful metaphors, memories, times, subconscious minds and dreams. So philosophy seems to have to be new. World - Suicide club for abandoned infants at Ueno Station, Suicides by Necessary Suicides (Ueno Station is a very busy station).

Silver Planet also has the concept of actors, which seems to be close to this. : What you think - you are, but where is the essence, or is that a moot question at all. Youth seems to know intuitively that the world is not very good, and then see youth again. In order to survive, you have to think that the world is okay. The moving part of memory is that it cannot be retained. People are different, people will die or grow. The only beauty in fleeing is that it is fleeing. Acting is also beautiful in that it is acting. Sono Ziwen has photographed the despair of the modern system in a new way, very desperate. That is to say, wonderful. The few words the anchor said were true for everyone (seriously sunny: toward the desert, pursuing nothingness). It's just that most people don't realize it. Few are aware of it, and can suppress the intermittent panic attacks. Or rich enough, it doesn't matter. Be a lion. It is interesting to consider the class issue in this way.

It has to be like this, how, still want a home, or not, the expression is the best, this face, art is the easiest to fall in love with a person, of course, falling in love with a person can only be because of art... The world is a big bird The cage, the inside of the cage, the corridor, and the scattered beasts are all one person, and the school uniforms have their own sexual symbols, which is a blessing for Japanese artists (Sono Ziwen has many actors who originally played soft porn, and it is interesting). It is already the saying in the icy tropical fish, life is suffering. But this is the essential level of abstraction. When the trick is done well, it is happiness. There's nothing shameful about it, pain is also acting. So it can be said that life is happy. Collision, pain. Hit the spot, happy. are the essence. Kumiko opened her eyes for the last time in the quilt (so solemnly, cut it hard), maybe that's what it meant.

Some don't touch themselves, Kitano Takeshi's violence is neat. Another way, you can continue to touch it, and finally, beyond your cognitive ability, you are not afraid to touch it. "" can be viewed in this way.

Everywhere is a small town, everywhere is a big city. Blue sky, Christmas lights, a taste. But that loneliness and alienation are unique to Christmas lights. I can smell the place and feel exactly the same. So is the city, so is the bird cage. Sitting there and waving your hands, anyone can shoot, and the shots are the same. Yuanzi warmly took pictures, and felt that this thing was available and not available. To write to a character like this is as if the actor was born for the character.

Some don't touch themselves, Kitano Takeshi's violence is neat. Another way, you can continue to touch it, and finally, beyond your cognitive ability, you are not afraid to touch it. "" can be viewed in this way.

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Extended Reading
  • Chloe 2022-04-20 09:02:38

    The two-and-a-half-hour monologue gave me a headache, so 90 minutes should be enough for this plot. Fortunately, Yuan Ziwen, many details and characters' expressions are still very good. However, Yuriko Yoshiko really can't act. . .

  • Madelyn 2022-03-23 09:03:20

    If I slap Noriko to death!

Noriko's Dinner Table quotes

  • Kumiko: Everyone wants to be the champagne, not the glass. Everyone wants to be the flower, not the vase.

  • Noriko Shimabara: Stray cats roamed the back alleys like blood flows through a vein.

    Kumiko: Stray cats form families instantly. No need to feel sorry for them, they're tough, they own this town. We have to relate to each other like stray cats do.