A more tragic ending of Qu Gao and Widow

Dorothy 2022-08-27 13:50:05

A bird flew to a section of a telephone pole. From a panoramic view from the back, we will find that the poles actually stretch for many sections, but they all chose here one after another (*).
Start fighting each other, creating things out of nothing, in groups of three and five and all next to each other.
A big bird came and said hello. It's unusual and blooms friendly (?)
The original fighting birds began to look at each other
One learns to bloom and laughs
The whole group began to imitate, so lively.
The big bird flew over in a friendly manner.
The little bird had to get close to the big bird.
The bird closest to the big bird starts attacking it, the other little birds act out of their way but secretly express their support and schadenfreude (*)
Big Bird remains optimistic
The result is that they land directly, and both lose.
Big Bird Leg is sad, but still in good spirits.
The bird was devastated.
They hurriedly hid behind the big bird.

The first time I saw it, I just thought it was interesting, the bird is quite cute, and the picture of the feathers is great. I think it should be an allegorical short film of its own. It's still a little shocking to be able to win the grand prize.

I watched it again, but the more I looked at it, the more terrifying it became. Every frame was a carefully designed satire.

Small and large may be a spiritual gap. The great man is great because of his independent personality, optimistic spirit, and strong life. The vile is the opposite.

There are too many examples in history to repeat them one by one.

A more tragic outcome than Qu Gao and the widow is that when the mediocre in a society are the majority, they will instead attack those who are not in the world, but in fact, Yu Lan is hurt.

It is a pity that we have known this truth for thousands of years, but it is still [the descendants and the descendants].

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