Great first episode

Gage 2022-08-29 18:43:55

Cheetahs can indeed forage at night, and they have a wider choice. Cacti bloom at night, and the Mexican long-tongued bat is very important to the Sonoran Desert. A little mouse that eats scorpions. Bats suck their own weight of blood on seals.

Wildebeest dare not sleep at night. They have poor eyesight and are easily hunted by lions. The coyote has a good sense of feeling, and they all know the movement of the lion within 10 kilometers.

The white lady spider is looking for a mate, and it feels a bit like a bone spirit. They have good memories, and hunter spiders can walk up to 400 meters to find a mate. The little gecko barks, and his kennel can act as an echo, and her quack quack can be heard from 200 meters away. Golden moles are lurking in the desert, moving on, and owls can always find them miraculously.

I think this film, although the material is very good, is too dramatic, the details flash by, and there is no chance to chew it carefully.

The extremely rare black rhinos appeared, and they would gather to drink water when they lived alone at night.

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