It’s normal if you don’t understand, you need to brainstorm a little bit of Buddhist worldview

Reed 2021-10-13 13:07:24

In 1999, the first "The Matrix" was released,
which subverted many people's worldviews.

Many people explain from different dimensions and find that there are actually loopholes.
Especially the second part, the third part is getting more confused.
Why Neo has superpowers in the face of robotic squid,
why the sixth-generation savior can save Zion,
what is the relationship between computer and human society...

Now when I look back, I find more and more that
this series of movies
only uses the Buddhist school The explanation of the ideological system is the most complete.

Six senses and six senses,

the first film of a heavy body is easy to understand. It depicts a world like this:
In the future, there will be a war between humans and machines.
Humans used a big killer to destroy the energy source of the machine-the sun,
but the machine still prevailed and used the human body as "energy".

Everyone’s brain and nerves have been connected to the world of Matrix since birth.
Although the “feel” of
living in the 1990s is created through stimulation of nerves, they are actually just soaked in the culture fluid, the whole body is plugged in with wires, and they use themselves. "Bio-electricity"
provides energy for the robotic world. After the body dies, it will be processed into a new
nutrient solution to maintain the lives of other "batteries".

Everyone is sure that he is "alive" only by feeling.
This feeling is called the "six senses " in the Buddhist worldview.

Many people often ridicule people with a Buddhist sentence called "six roots of impurity."
Then he smiled and thought about the person's lower body.

In fact, the "six roots" in Buddhism refer to "eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind".
This is from a physiological perspective when describing the activities of the human heart.
As the "six roots" of the organ, it accepts external stimuli "six dusts" to form "six
senses "-seeing light, hearing sound, smelling smell, feeling touch, brain recognizing information.
This process allows us to form communication with the outside world , Let us feel that we are "alive."

However, in the fantasy world of movies, this "feeling" can be fully simulated. At
this time, an interesting question arises:
if we know that our senses accept What do

you think of all the "fake" stimulations? If you eat juicy steak and drink 82-year-old Raphael, then your "heart" tells you
that all this is the result of your struggle and success Enjoy, you will naturally feel very happy;
but if someone tells you that these are fake, in fact, you are a human body battery plugged in with cables,
you will feel angry and feel that the dignity of being a "human" is gone, rather Give up steak and red wine,
go to the spaceship to eat cold porridge like snot, and go to "revolution" regardless of life or death.
Why is this?

It is necessary to talk about the "seventh consciousness"-the realm of the golden saint,
(wait a minute) , It seems that something has entered into chaos)

"Seventh Consciousness" is called "Muna Consciousness" in Buddhism.
It is the foundation of consciousness, and its essence is constant consideration. It is the seed of clinging to the eighth consciousness (described later) for me. Giving consciousness to self-awareness
is basically a function of ego, that is, people distinguish between "self" and the consciousness of the outside world.

This "self" that we have created, if we judge that we are enjoying ourselves, we will be greedy for happiness;
If it is judged that oneself is being used, anger arises, and then transformed into “revolutionary courage.”
Muna consciousness belongs to the scope of the subconscious, it clings to ourselves, allows us to exist psychologically,
but also creates a lot of trouble.
Everyone often I hate people who are too self-aware, but at the same time they are not aware of their own self-awareness.

In the movie, Neo is a senior white-collar worker in the IT industry, in a
suit and leather shoes, working in a skyscraper, listening to his boss chattering about discipline.
However, he always has a feeling of "all this is fake", this is the beginning of awakening.

After seeing Neo, Morpheus took out two small pills:
one blue, you can forget everything if you eat it; the other red, you can understand the truth if you eat it.
Choosing the red pill is an inevitable choice for Neo.
Because it is human nature to pursue the "truth", and it is also a kind of "ego."

This obsession is very anxious to establish the value of "I".
The "six senses" are simply information processing, and the "ego" separates the meaning of these information.

In addition to maintaining their own lives, people must also have a psychological presence.
For example, you must take pictures and hair circle before eating. Even if the taste is average and you
get enough likes, this meal is worth a bit more expensive.
For this sense of existence, we have to filter the photos,
even if the kung fu dishes are cold and not tasty.

By the way, if something is delicious or not, it is also ego.

Ordinary people turn around, and the saints turn to the heart. After

Neo awakens, Morpheus believes that he is the savior and personally guides his training.
Murphys' method of training Neo is to first
input all technical knowledge into Neo's brain through a computer , and then conduct actual combat training in a virtual space.
However, despite his different talents, Neo couldn't beat Murphys at first.

At this moment Morpheus smiled and said the "key"-do
you really hurt? Think about it, this is a virtual world, pain does not exist,
how fast you can, how powerful, yes, a kind of cognition,
don't let yourself restrain yourself.

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of "insight" into reality.
Neo understood this. Later, he could not only be faster than Morpheus,
but also break through the "impossibility"-easily jump between high-rise buildings, can dodge bullets, and
later even completely ignored the law of gravity, with "flying" Ability.

Buddhism says "everything is made by the mind", and many restrictions are given to ourselves.
For example, a person who judges that he is introverted may be afraid to communicate with others,
because based on past experience, he will be blushing and shy and feel nervous.
Then his performance may be like this. This is
called "self-fulfilling prophecy" in psychology. Our psychological prediction determines our actual performance.

People’s self-cognition tendency is explained by psychology.
One is the personality tendency determined by the information carried by genes, and the
other is the lifelong influence of the childhood growth environment on people.
But Buddhism believes that character comes from past "karma."
Looking back, it is everything that has happened since you were born. After
you follow it completely, it is the cause and effect of what happened in your previous lifetimes.
If you can see through this point, people may "enlighten".

Buddhism emphasizes that "ordinary people do not change their minds, and saints do not change their hearts." It
means that ordinary people do not work hard on their own minds and only hope to change the environment;
while wise people will change their perceptions. , Don’t let the environment limit oneself.
This kind of "understanding" is very important. Neo later realized in the "real world" that the
robot squid is actually just a bunch of data, so even if he has no eyes,
he can see through their illusions fearlessly.

Having said that, this is actually what puzzles many viewers:
If Neo can behave like a superman in the virtual world,
why does he have superpowers in the "real world" full of machines?

The cycle of life and death, Alaya is

in the third
book, the creator of the Matrix world, the ultimate program to master the machine world-The One, tell Neo,
in fact, before you, there have been 5 generations of "saviours" who have come to see me. -
you have just set is a good program.
Although the "system" of the Matrix world is very complete, it is inevitable that there are bugs,
so it must be restarted regularly, and the "prophet" and "savior" only use reasonable methods to complete the process.

This actually explains why Neo can have "eyes" after blindness,
can see "reality", and paralyze the robot squid.
One possibility is that in the "hardware" linked to the human brain, there are still devices that control the senses.
The second possibility is that this world with robotic squid and the dungeon of Zion
is also illusory-it It is the second illusion.

In order to protect the real Matrix world, the computer has set up a double trap.
In this way, a part of human beings occasionally "wake up", and the computer inspires a second-layer illusion,
making this person "think" that they have woken up and have participated in a surprising and thrilling human revolution.
In fact, the real person is still lying in a jar. Make a culture medium.

I actually prefer this second possibility,
because logically it is a valid strategy and the energy loss to the machine world is smaller.

Therefore, whether it is Morpheus, who firmly believes in the emergence of the savior, or Tristan, who is in love with the savior,
all are part of the operation of this program-no matter which generation of Neo, will face the same plot.
And Zion has been destroyed 5 times and rebuilt 5 times-
this computer is not too annoying to play RPG games 5 times, because it has no emotions.

Does this look like "reincarnation" as the Buddha said?

And what is it that makes people fall into reincarnation, that is the "karma" hidden in the eighth consciousness.
The eighth consciousness is called "Alaya consciousness". It is Tibetan consciousness and is where all the seeds of karma are sued.

Every generation of "Mephisto" has an obsession, that is to believe that the savior must appear;
every generation of "Tristan" has a prophecy that will fall in love with the savior and die;
each generation of "saviour" There is a setting, that is, between the life and death of the loved one and Zion,
they will give up the small and the big.
This obsession, this seed, is the condition for the rotation of the cycle.
No matter what the process is, if the seed is planted, the result will happen-
this is the essence of reincarnation.

As the "world creator", The One has tried to maintain the eternity of the Matrix world, but it has failed.
Therefore, a program "prophet" with a program complementary to him leads to a reincarnation, and
this virtual world can truly last forever only in the birth and death of the reincarnation.
This philosophy is very similar to the Buddha's saying that "everything is impermanent", everything must be the continuation of cause and condition.

Mieduo all living beings, and there is no real person Mieduo

If you follow my hypothesis, where the world Zion, is illusory,
then no matter what choice to make Neo, in fact, does not matter.
Because that was only in the second illusion, Zion was destroyed,
and Zion did not even "exist".

However, what The One did not calculate is that this perfect dual program
has a new bug, that is, the mutated virus Smith,
which is not only active in the first virtual world,
but also finds a way to come to the second virtual world.
This makes the big program of The One unable to run.
Because if Smith succeeds, then the consciousness of each "person" becomes a "copy person",
so that the Matrix will collapse one day.

So The One has made adjustments to the operation of the program,
so that Neo and Smith can die together.
The advantage of this is that people can "wake up" as much as possible,
but still can't see through the second illusion
-the computer just creates a new cycle.

The "Diamond Sutra" says, "I will cause the infinite nirvana to be destroyed. In this way,
countless and boundless beings
are destroyed, and there are really no beings who are destroyed . " Zion fell, and all human beings were "destroyed."
However, no "man" is really destroyed, because a new reincarnation will begin.

In fact, think about it, if human beings really wake up,
probably a large part of people will not like the real world
-the sun is obscured, the energy is stretched, and the
machine does not dare to use too high-level machines. How can humans be ruled? manage?
It's better to eat steak and drink the 82-year-old Rapha in the false world.

In fact, the "real. Real world" behind the dual illusion doesn’t know what it is.
Perhaps machines are not ruling human beings at all,
but humans have seen through the illusion of life and
set up such a program.
In the last days,
use Minimal energy consumption, sustain the human race.

View more about The Matrix Reloaded reviews

Extended Reading
  • Josianne 2022-03-24 09:01:05

    The first time I went to the cinema to see this product, but before I went to eat KFC, I broke my stomach and vomited dimly in the cinema... From then on the shadow~~~ The cinema is just a shadow! !

  • Abbie 2021-10-20 18:58:53

    Contributed to a large number of extremely exciting, imaginative action scenes that will last forever in film history, but too many action scenes also squeeze another layer of narrative space. The matrix or Zion is actually just a small expansion of the previous work. , But the system adjustment mechanism pointed out by the designer finally upgraded the world view, and Neo’s unique choice afterwards also proved the two Wachowski’s faith in love and free will.

The Matrix Reloaded quotes

  • Ballard: You're asking for one of us to disobey a direct order.

    Morpheus: That's right, I am. But we all well know that the reason that most of us are here is because of our... affinity for disobedience.

  • Link: That's the closest I can get you, you better grow some wings.