Foolish loyalty, idiot loyalty

Elaina 2022-03-20 09:01:39

1. About the Yasukuni Shrine. . . . . .
Everyone knows this kind of thing, and the Japanese have made this equation:
visit to the Yasukuni Shrine = loyalty to the emperor = patriotism...(Formula 1);
anyway, little devils They died for the interests of their country and nation (everyone knows justice and injustice...) There is nothing wrong with the people going to pay their respects.
But can China and South Korea watch the little Japan go to pay homage to the executioner who killed its brothers and sisters?
of course not!
But is this objection useful?
Of course it's useless!
Do China and South Korea know that doing it is useless?
of course I know!
Everyone is educated in a culture, and you can take it for granted when you think about it heart-to-heart.
Then why persist?
Face chant
how Koreans seem very radical, and more powerful than we Chinese people?
This is a better explanation. The history of South Korea is a humiliating one; history, for thousands of years, has been oppressed and invaded by foreign nations, first China, then Western powers, and then small Japan, and then the United States... ...(there will be many more in the future, ;-) ); So the Koreans have a sense of inferiority in their national bones, so they are very aggressive and let the world realize their existence... (It seems to be digressing, come back ,return......)

But the Japanese made a mistake when the prime minister of a country visited the Yasukuni Shrine. This can only be said to be unable to face up to history. The public visit and the prime minister's visit are completely different concepts. On the other hand, China will basically not mention it now. And the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, even if it was a real battle of the People's Liberation Army, and hyped up eight years of resistance against Japan or something (if hiding in the woods and occasionally grabbing food and grass from the passing Japanese army is considered anti-Japanese, I am speechless. , let’s think that this is a kind of anti-Japanese for the time being), this selective amnesia is actually very understandable, because the current leaders also know that there is injustice in this war against Vietnam (it seems to be digressing again, come back )
On the other hand, in small Japan, but the Prime Minister has taken the lead in visiting shrines every day for decades, which makes no sense...

*************Summary one sentence******* ****************
Some things are known to everyone, but it's not very good to pick them out, right?
I didn’t learn Japanese philosophy well, and I didn’t know how to deal with conflicts at all. I
even had to criticize the North Korean sticks severely. It’s a shame that they even made the gossip into the national flag. What’s
especially hateful is that it can’t be used after stealing it. I don’t understand the meaning of the gossip map. , everything is so extreme, like everyone has a bloody feud...

2 About Little Japan's Foolish Loyalty
Little Japan has given us a second equation:
Caesarean section = loyalty to the emperor..... ....(Formula 2)
Formula 3 from Formula 1:

Caesarean section = Loyalty to the Emperor = Patriotism.........(Formula 3)

How about, is it the same as the party we are promoting now = Patriotism There are similarities and the same purpose,
and if you look at this film carefully, is the director promoting this kind of stupid loyalty to the emperor?
Actually not, the director is unconvinced.
This film is to make people pay attention to being under war
, but above war; under all ideology, but above all ideology;
The most simple and at the same time the greatest feeling:
the entrustment and concern condensed in the letters from the families of the soldiers on both sides of the war.
That's why the little Japan all stood up to hear Sam's letter from home - love is the same!

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Extended Reading

Letters from Iwo Jima quotes

  • General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: You again?

  • General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: Everything happens in threes.