Once Heartache - A Little "Langya" to "Ip Man"

Astrid 2022-03-22 09:01:30

Wu Jing's new film "Langya" has made progress. But this progress is only based on its original basis. There are so little surprises, so little surprises, so little moving. Maybe it's because Wu Jing is also the director. The movement is better, but still too unnatural. All in all, this is a watchable movie. The only thing I really like is the ending song: Lu Jingshan's cover of the metal version of "Once Heartache" is very nice. So, I think it's worth watching this movie.

In contrast, Donnie Yen's "Ip Man" is very and extremely good. Compact and soothing, emotional and reasonable, there is national justice, but also the helplessness of civilians. Created an approachable true national hero. This hero is not sensational. Instead, the plot dilutes the "hero" sign, leaving behind the essence of the hero after taste.

In the play, after Ye Wen defeated the Japanese with one enemy and ten dozen, he had to respectfully give way to the Japanese military vehicles that ran rampant on the street. Just in response to Li Zhao's sentence: "You can do it. Go and fight. You kill them all, ten, one hundred, and one thousand." Individuals are small, and there is a limit to a hero's ability.

In order to make a living, Ye Wen also had to look around for work, dig coal to work as a coolie, and couldn't afford to eat. For a bag of rice, the warriors went to fight the Japanese in the ring. In order to get more food, Master Liao was beaten without dignity. People who can act chivalrous and righteous are also human, and they have to eat and bow their heads. I like Li Zhao's line: "I'm just a translator, I don't need to eat?...I'm a translator! I'm not a lackey! I'm a Chinese!". Does the translation have to be a conscientious traitor running dog? How many people under the fall do not bow their heads? Why can't the translator bow his head? On the other hand, Jinshan Zou, who was not a translator, actually took the initiative to become a lackey out of selfish hatred. It can be seen that language and status are never a problem for those who want to be traitors.

In fact, Ye Wen didn't have the heart to be a hero before he injured the Japanese at the door of his house. It can be seen that the times create heroes is not an empty phrase. This scene is happy. In order to protect his family, he would fight without saying a word. Clean and neat, totally conditioned. The audience couldn't help applauding. After hitting Ye Wenfang, he reacted and stood there in a daze. A hero was forced out just like that. Immediately, I was in awe, and since then I have also seen the meaning of martial arts. If Ye Wen wasn't some martial arts master, but just an ordinary person, wouldn't he want to be a mermaid? Although the two fists were no match for tens of thousands of troops, three or two gangsters were more than enough. Sometimes, don't people lack such a little ability? It was almost a life-or-death disaster.

Feeling the cry of Ye Wen's wife when her husband was arrested and about to compete. He regretted that he did not support her husband's martial arts practice in the past, hated herself for losing her temper after each competition of Ye Wen, and was sad that she would not be able to see her husband's martial arts competition again. I don't think this episode was made up. Ye Wenzhi's life was unremarkable in his prime, but he was famous all over the world in the second half of his life. Perhaps this reason is not only because of Ye Wen's nature, but also because of the previous incomprehension and support of Mrs. After going through changes and fleeing to Hong Kong, he began to understand and support Ip Man in martial arts. Only in this way can he explain his fame in the second half of his life and his ignorance in the first half of his life.

I just sigh with emotion for the authenticity of this play. How many people don't understand that there is a woman behind a successful man. However, how many people clearly understand, but like Ye Wen's wife, they have been self-willed for half their lives, but they never have the slightest remorse? But how many people have given up the position of a woman who has become a man to others, but they are resentful and puzzled? How many people still destroy their men in their own hands, but push the responsibility completely, and even die without feeling that their men are useless, useless, spineless, have no money, no ideals, no career, no status or no status. Achievement has nothing to do with yourself - for some women, if they are with a man, then everything is a man's business, a man's responsibility, a man's should, and a man's right. Who made you a man and I was a woman! So I used to believe in equality between men and women, but now I believe that it is impossible. Gender equality is just an excuse, it's just a trap. Only by acknowledging the inherent and nurtured inequalities between men and women. Fostering strengths and avoiding weaknesses and making good use of different characteristics is the real and practical way to achieve harmonious love or marriage.

The action design of "Ip Man" is very good, and many places are remarkable. It's a pity that for visual effects, most of them only took the upper body. Steps and movements of the lower body become invisible. Although it looks good, it can't be used for reference. Master Liao played by Chen Zhihui surprised me very much. He is playing Hou Ying in "The Great Qin Empire - Part 1". He actually knows martial arts. At first I thought it wouldn't be a stand-in. That's so unnecessary. It was only later that I found out that he played Master Qin in Jet Li's "Huo Yuanjia". It is the image ambassador of "Shao Bei Quan". Proficient in martial arts. The punches in "Ip Man" are very good-looking, stretchy and powerful, clean and practical. It is very similar to the ancient martial arts that pay attention to actual combat. Plus the starting style is very special. At that time, I thought it should be a fierce boxing technique such as "Xingyi" or "Baji". I checked the information and compared it with the boxing score, and found that it was not. The data shows that Chen Zhihui is good at "Wujiquan", and like "Shaobeiquan", it is an ancient boxing style with northern characteristics. Too bad I didn't find the boxing score. It is estimated that it is a combination of several boxing techniques to make up a set of "Liaojiaquan".

The most exciting thing in the play is Ye Wen's one against ten. Also the most unreal. Not to mention the characteristics of Wing Chun, there is no boxing or fighting technique in the world that can deal with attacks from all directions at the same time. For example, if Master Liao fights three against one, the other three can cooperate. (Insert a sentence, I personally think that the design of Master Liao's stall is very good and very real. Fighting is like this, fists and feet have no eyes. Whether it is intentional or intentional, such a thing may happen at any time.) Ten people will cooperate with each other. It's easy to get messed up, but if so many people go up to the circle, the people in the middle will die. Wing Chun also belongs to the boxing technique of entering the body and bunt. As long as one person knocks down or entangled Ip Man from behind for a while, Ip Man will be finished. Seeing the Japanese on the screen dangling behind him, but he didn't make a move when there was a free time, and he felt very disappointed. Although it is very shocking to fight one against ten, most audiences will not pay attention to whether it is actual or not. But if it is one against five, I think it will be more real, more exciting and worthy of taste and reference.

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Extended Reading
  • Lina 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    (160313) Fighting throughout, no punches are superfluous, no moves are wasted. Fight for the sake of learning martial arts, fight for the protection of the village, fight for the dignity of the martial artist, fight for the honor and disgrace of the country. In the first half with a little cold humor, a peerless warrior who is afraid of his wife, who wants to itch the earth but is afraid of being scolded. Fight against the Chinese with at least three points, and against the aggressor-"I want to fight ten"! By dividing and comparing before and after the anti-Japanese war, we can see the survival of various warriors in the background of the great era.

  • Sophia 2022-03-26 09:01:03

    People who left a deep impression on me: Sha Danyuan and Li Zhao. Donnie Yen has been good since "Painted Skin".

Ip Man quotes

  • Ip Man: [Facing the Northerner Ip Man adopts his combat stance with an unsettling mixture of mettle and serenity] Wing Chun, Ip Man.

  • Miura: [after witnessing Ip Man single-handedly defeat ten Japanese fighters at once] What's your name?

    Ip Man: I'm just a Chinese man.