Thai horror movies not to be underestimated

Wiley 2022-03-05 08:01:13

This is not a full-length film, but consists of four short films, namely "Lonely", "Lonely", "The Middleman" and "Flight 224". The English name is 4bia, the pronunciation is phobia, which means phobia, and the 4 is de-homonymous, which also indicates the form of its short film collection, which is a very interesting name.

"Lonely" has a good grasp of the atmosphere and details. The girl goes from being bored to being full of interest to being terrified. This series of emotional changes is very convincing and not abrupt because of enough foreshadowing. However, the frightening scene was a bit of a wait, and the ending had to be a little bit fateful, and it seemed like a snake's foot. There is no dialogue in the whole film, and it relies entirely on the performance and atmosphere. This is a relatively clever technique, just like the once-popular "Zhang Zhen Storytelling". In fact, the story itself is not scary, but the soundtrack and sound effects are really scary.

The novelty of "Fate Reminder" is the shooting method, the low-saturation colors, and the constantly shaking lens, which always gives people a hint of tension. But the story is a bit old-fashioned, and the ghosts at the end have more childish stunts, and this intuitive presentation also reduces the psychological impact of a higher level to a visual impact of a lower level. The point that touched me very much: the girl who always expressed sympathy for the bullied boy did not escape the ghost's revenge in the end, she said: I didn't bully you, it has nothing to do with me, the ghost said: you just stand by and watch, you are with them the same. Indifference to evil deeds is equal to connivance, and condoners are equivalent to the accomplices of evildoers. I have read this view before, but this is the first time it has been presented in a film and television work.

"The Middleman" is a relatively light story, although it is a horror film, it does not change its light core. The director first led you astray, and finally came to an unexpected ending, which made you realize that you were fooled. The director's purpose is also here. He is watching the audience's reaction with a relaxed attitude. Because of this mentality, the film has always had light and funny dialogues running through it, and even at the most tense moment of unraveling the mystery, he did not forget to let the people in the film make jokes.

"Flight 224" is the one that scares me the most, but also the one that I think is the worst. Fear is because it uses the deep sense of fear in many people's hearts, such as the fear of corpses, the fear of claustrophobic spaces, the fear of flying, etc.; and it is poor first because the film aims to place people and ghosts in the In the same closed space, the rationality of the plot is basically abandoned. Secondly, its use of fear is naked sensory stimulation. All the frightening elements are presented on the screen, which is completely the way of American horror films. Compared with the first three, or the delicate atmosphere creation, or the novel exploration of shooting techniques, or the ingenious interweaving of ease and terror, this one is obviously not on the same level.

After Japan and Hong Kong, horror films in Thailand seem to be on the rise. Judging from these short films, the strength should not be underestimated. And even the horror movies in Hong Kong, in recent years, the standards are mostly from the hands of the Peng brothers from Thailand. Friends who like horror movies may wish to turn their attention to this place worth looking forward to.

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