"As long as he wants to live, he will live"

Freeda 2022-01-29 08:06:12

As usual, Fassbender begins with colorful and lively subtitles, as usual, wonderful erotic scenes (four thighs).

Tragic little people.
Unhappy wife? She lost her job as a police officer because she gave herself KJ and could only sell crispy pears, so she was always angry with her.
He was originally a soldier. When he was in Egypt, he was tied up and beaten. His partner watched and did not rescue him in time. It was saved later, he knew.
He is short and his wife is taller than him.
His sister, etc. also looked down on him and thought his work was not decent. He often peddles in the backyard of the community.
They wrap the fruit in kraft paper?
He was drinking with friends and came home late. His wife was angry and he forced her, while his daughter beat him. She ran away from home, he had a heart attack, she slept with other men, but then returned to her husband.
He later hired his friend Harry to help him sell fruit, but he was still unhappy.
He drank all the time and died, and she watched with tears streaming down his face.
His daughter was told by nurses "as long as he wants to be alive, he will be alive"
but he doesn't want to.
In the cemetery, only his girlfriend looked at his tombstone with roses.
His wife soon planned to start a family with Harry, who had previously failed the family business.
Ruthless people.

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