Unstoppable super refreshing feeling in one go

Rowan 2022-03-21 09:01:31

This is a very remarkable masterpiece, from the conception of the film, the setting of the details and the performance of the actors, to perfection. From the beginning of the movie, my nerves were tense, until I walked out of the theater. It can be said that it was thrilling from beginning to end, and it was comparable to Chinese football. The storyline of Dangerous Love Hourly Speed ​​is very simple, you don't need to think about what to do in the next link, but the producer is just playing heartbeat this time. In addition, the actors in this film are also quite excellent. Denzel Washington's composure, Chris Pine's youthful spirit, and Rosario Townsend's decisiveness all interpret the characters in the story superbly. Hollywood has always liked folk heroes, and this time it won't get out of this vicious circle. The police, senior officials, and even leaders with a little power are a bunch of useless people. In the end, it is often a small character (of course the No. 1 in the play) who can turn the tide and turn the situation around. Bottom line: This ticket is worth it!

Among the Hollywood blockbusters that have been released simultaneously in recent years, "Dangerous Love Hour" should be regarded as the weakest one. No matter the strength of China and the United States' propaganda and momentum, it seems that there is little movement, and the subject matter is not the police and criminals that Hollywood is best at , anti-terrorism, sci-fi genre, director Tony Scott's bad film "Subway Horror" last year is still vivid in my mind. Among the two protagonists, Denzel Washington is obviously out of breath, and Chris Pine is not popular enough. But it is such a film that people think it is destined to be mediocre, but it brings unexpected surprises. The immersive sense of the scene makes people feel more nervous and exciting, and the rhythm from beginning to end is even more coherent. It is definitely "Speed ​​of Life and Death" Best chase movie ever.

"Dangerous Love Hour" is the first to make people shine in the story, and it is full of freshness. In a Hollywood action film, there are no skilled protagonists, criminal masters and terrorists, so it is a bit uncomfortable to see at first glance. I am afraid that 80% of the audience thought it was another story of terrorists hijacking a train before watching this film. In fact, this is not the case. The whole film is about a serious traffic crisis caused by a series of accidents. A freight train with a length of 39 carriages Unmanned driving is out of control, driving at high speed on the main railway road, and most importantly, several of the carriages are also loaded with toxic chemicals. If an accident occurs in a residential area, it will bring immeasurable losses. This film is about a series of rescue operations carried out by various forces around the crisis, as well as the heroic feats of Denzel Washington and Chris Pine, two ordinary workers of the railway company, one old and one young, who sacrificed themselves for others to relieve the crisis. Because the story is adapted from real events, the film makes a big fuss about the sense of reality, using various means to create an immersive sense of the scene for the audience, thus forming a unique style with a strong sense of documentary.

First of all, the out-of-control train as the main body of the crisis can easily shorten the distance with the audience. Maybe you will never see a gunfight with your own eyes in your life, you will never meet a master duel, let alone feel the end of the world, Star Wars and other sci-fi dreams. , but the train is definitely a means of transportation that most people on our planet have experienced first-hand, and I am afraid that no one will not be in awe of the rumbling train as a child. Through the construction of the train sound environment, the film highlights the speed and power of the train whizzing past, the noise and sparks of the friction between the wheels of the locomotive and the rails, and the destructive force of the train crashing all the objects in front of it, forming a sense of crisis reality in the hearts of the audience. strong tension. Secondly, the film also uses a large number of news footage from the perspective of the local TV station’s live broadcast to provide auxiliary narratives for the reproduction of the crisis and background introduction. The TV station helicopters hovering above the out-of-control train and the comments and analysis of the TV anchor during the live broadcast can be seen everywhere in the film. And exclaimed, it is no different from the live broadcast of emergencies that everyone usually sees on TV, thereby further strengthening the audience's sense of reality to the plot.

Of course, while the film creates a sense of reality, Hollywood's usual close-knit dramatic conflict is also useful, making the audience always in a tense state of raising their hearts to their throats. The out-of-control train passed by a sightseeing train full of children, the locomotive that was used to block the advance in the first rescue operation rolled and exploded, and the frightening moment when the body was shaky at the final high-speed corner, can make the timid The female audience exclaimed. In addition, the overall sense of rhythm of the film is also exceptionally wonderful. There is no nonsense from beginning to end, and there is no wasteful plot. It makes the audience high to the end in one go, and the feeling of tense and exciting climaxes is very enjoyable.

The roles of Denzel Washington and Chris Pine are also very accurate. One is a veteran driver who is about to be maliciously fired by the company, with a strong fatherly love for his two daughters; the other is a fledgling newcomer. A rookie, there are a lot of family emotional problems. In the process of working together for the first time, the different emotional psychology and work attitude of the two inevitably collided with each other and produced contradictions and conflicts, which brought tension to the relationship between the characters. Later, in the crisis, the two worked together and shared weal and woe. In the end, they understood each other and cherished each other. The strong human touch was more able to move people's hearts and became a necessary emotional adjustment outside of action scenes. The two stars also gave appropriate performances, and the various mentalities and emotions of the characters were well adjusted, allowing people to see the heroic glory of the characters that belong to ordinary people rather than big stars.

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Unstoppable quotes

  • Frank: Yeah, this is 1206. We're 60 miles from Wilkins. Uh, 40 minutes out of Fuller Yard.

    Brewster Dispatcher: Negative, 1206. Clear your train at the next siding until further instructed. Over.

    Frank: What's up?

    Brewster Dispatcher: There's an unmanned train out of Fuller on the northbound track. Over.

    Frank: On our track? A coaster?

    Brewster Dispatcher: 1206, we don't have all the details yet. Just proceed to the next siding and hold tight. Over.

    Frank: Next siding's not for ten miles.

    Brewster Dispatcher: Affirmative, 1206. Just get in that siding and sight tight until we give you the all-clear. Over.

  • Connie: Mr. Galvin, how are you?

    Oscar Galvin: God damn it. How could this happen?

    Connie: It's an unfortunate combination of human error and bad luck.

    Oscar Galvin: Luck? You know, I was a yardmaster for ten years, Ms. Hooper. Luck has no business in a rail yard.