What is it that has lasted for 400 years?

Veronica 2022-03-21 09:01:24

After 400 years, what is it? Dracula's love, or hatred of Christ? I don't dare to say anything about the two. Just when Dracula decided to incarnate himself as an eternal vampire, what was his motive? If it is not so pure love or pure hate, how can it last for four hundred years and eventually become a legend?

When the 2-hour movie was over, what was in your mind for a long time? Gary Oldman's spooky horror, or Winona Ryder's beautiful allure? So, following on from the first paragraph, what story does Coppola tell? Even Monica Bellucci's flirtatious shot from between Keanu Reeves' legs can make people talk about it, but it's so hollow for the emotion of these four hundred years. In addition, the relationship between vampires and werewolves is not explained in this film, so viewers should have more doubts. And what's up with that bug-eating psychopath? Perhaps these questions can be answered in that Irish novel. But as a film, Coppola should give the audience more than just art.

"Evil" ask: Some women in this movie show their nipples, and some don't? Is it because some people are too famous to be exposed? When the beautiful and seductive Mina ripped open her clothes to reveal her robes, she hoped that this refined woman could tear off her robes with tension and show her breasts generously. When the Count of Vampires was gracefully endowed with immortality and love, who's restraint seemed so lacking in expression! This absence directly affects Mr. Count's emotions and ability to control his desires. It's as if a man loves to death and a woman farts unmoved. Hey, what a shame to let some British geeks feel like they are.

As a major Western love story theme, the story is not well made. The characters are generalized and hollow, and the two main British actors are caught in the embarrassment of trying their best to be powerless. The heroine is more than pure and refined, but lacks desire and love. What about the handsome guy? People have said that if you can kiss Monica Bellucci and Winona Ryder, what more can you ask for! ! !

PS: After all, the skills of art, makeup, and clothing are super strong. There is absolutely no one to say. Give it a "OK".

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Extended Reading
  • Marilie 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    Keanu Reeves is a bit blunt but very handsome ^_^ After the logic of the storyline is a bit unreasonable, "The Mummy" is a bit similar to this story

  • Perry 2021-10-22 14:40:43

    Winona Ryder's classical beauty is fascinated, and Gary Oldman's temperament is charming and unique. Gorgeous work!

Dracula quotes

  • Van Helsing: She lives beyond the grace of God, a wanderer in the outer darkness. She is "vampyr", "nosferatu". These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but instead grow strong and become immortal once infected by another nosferatu. So, my friends we fight not one beast but legions that go on age after age after age, feeding on the blood of the living.

  • Dracula: The blood is the life... and it shall be mine.