The little yellow guy is cute enough for you, let me teach you how to walk into the little yellow guy’s world

Susanna 2022-03-21 09:01:13

Despicable Me 2 is a bit late in China, but it doesn't matter, it's great that the minions are here. Looking at the cute little yellow people, do you really want to hold them in your arms? Rub it in the palm of your hand? The original poster will teach you a few tricks and tell you how to get in touch with the little yellow guy.
As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your opponents will never end in a hundred battles. Let's take a look at the files of the minions first!
★ small yellow people Profile:
Chinese name: small yellow people
English name: Minions
Hobbies: bananas, eat ice cream, singing, beating each other, Cosplay
next step is that we must master skills!
[How to strike up a conversation with the minions]
Ka ga: If you see a group of minions having a party on the beach and you want to participate, please shout "Ka ga" and join them
Kanpai: look at its pronunciation You can probably guess where it should be used.
Gelato: "Cheers" Gelato: It ’s always OK to take a minion to eat ice cream. Basic sentence patterns: blah blah blah Gelato, woo wai, hahaha
basically, Holding a banana and saying the above three words, you can become the king of the minions world. In addition, you only need to mutter some strange noises in your mouth improvisationally to join the most popular Minions club of the year. Up.
So, where can I meet the Minions?
[Cinema] Don’t think that the host is talking nonsense! What you don’t know is that a movie starring Minions is scheduled to be released on July 10, 2015. According to reports on the ending eggs of "Despicable Me 2", the casting of Minions actors was as early as 2013. Summer unfolds, Sandra Bullock and advertising madman Joe Ham will dub the villain in the film. This rumor tells about the origin and development of the Minions from the 1960s, spanning London and New York-how familiar it sounds, it can almost match the scale of 007 traveling the world to beat bad guys.
[Your phone] Yes, the Android version of the mobile game "Despicable Me: Minion Rush" (Despicable Me: Minion Rush) with the theme of Minion has been introduced to China. This game is based on parkour and is perfectly restored. There are many movie scenes, and there are different cosplay styles for your choice. Android children’s shoes, please go to 360 mobile assistant to download, Apple’s children’s shoes, please go to App store~, it is said that the number of downloads of the game within 3 months It has exceeded 100 million. Know how popular our

Minions are ~ [Minions’ delicacies are now added to the luxurious feasts] Minions who love to eat and love to party, it’s perfect to be linked to the catering industry. It is said that in the United States, some fast food restaurants have also launched a Minion’s menu, including "Minion Berry Pancakes" and so on. This dish is made of two lemon cakes with a fruit platter and cream on top, which can be paired with eggs. , Meat sauce or ham strips, do they sound tempting? Earlier, the little yellow guy also landed on McDonald’s for a super value lunch. I wonder if you went there?
[There is another unique method—buy peripherals]

You certainly don’t know how crazy the peripherals sold in the Minions series are, huh? What are you talking about, you want to be able to move the little yellow people, oh, I just said that you only need to download a mobile game...If you can move and talk, you can really pinch it, tut, what do you think, how can there be such a thing? ...Hey, don't smash me! !

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Despicable Me 2 quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Edith: Can I be the first to say "eww"?

  • Little Girl #2: Ew! Gru touched Lisa! Gru touched Lisa! Lisa's got GRU-TIES!