Local audiences need to be optimistic

Karelle 2022-03-21 09:01:37


"Tomorrowland" has too many elements in the plot that make me feel weak,
such as secret groups of scientists, genius girls, human destiny, mysterious pins,
They all look nothing new, like a collage of past templates.
Adding a vote to the cast, which is obviously to foil George Clooney,
actually sees the female youth of the current bad street as the main character,
(the heroine of this film was even originally scheduled to be Shailene Woodley, God)
A series of vulgar YA The film immediately flashed like a marquee.
But the last straw was the big shooting star sliding over the castle,
flashing the words Walt Disney Pictures, and
I immediately thought to myself, another movie made for entertainment,
no matter what packaging it's in this time. To attract attention,
the movies produced by Disney are always like a few shareholders discussing the box office profit and loss on the table.
Although the quality is good, it lacks a deep emotional core, and the
peripheral toys are done very diligently.

But watching the movie, I don't even hate "Tomorrowland".

Director Brad Bird is still quite naughty in the narrative.
Following the nostalgic acting in the
opening scene of "The Incredibles " , "Tomorrowland" begins with a no-brainer greeting with the male protagonist's video dialogue. Audience,
we have all kinds of question marks, who are they? Where? How do you know? Why did video recording, etc.
arouse the initial interest of the audience, and then began to formally return to the traditional narrative method,
Taking the childhood Frank Walker as the main body,
describing his participation in the World's Fair (World's Fair), meeting the girl Athena,
and sliding from the lazy river into the future world,
Brad Bird's first act is very well shot,
whether it is character creation, Character interaction, and problems in the future world, etc.,
under the condition of unclear reason, the audience is placed in the same position as the young Frank,
curious and looking forward to it, excited but afraid of being hurt.
He's not a genius boy with a mission to save the world, and it
's not just the boyish jetpack that caught Athena's interest,
it's a kind of "I just can't wait for someone to make it, so I'll do it myself" What
she sees in the boy is something that other people who "wait for others to invent" don't have it. It
is a kind of human desire and motivation to break through the status quo.
When the boy cuts through the sky with his jetpack , we can't help but be happy,
because he has realized two dreams, the first is to soar above the sky, which is a child's dream; the
second is to the future, a progressive, optimistic and creative paradise,
this It is not limited to children, but the world that every human being vaguely anticipates and looks forward to.

But when the conversation changed, Frank's next line was "Afterwards everything was ruined..."
Before the story entered into the protagonist of the girl Casey, he
skillfully passed through the character's sudden change of attitude,
as well as the symbolic object (the countdown clock) It maintains the suspense of the audience and
minimizes the impact of the fracture of the narrative body.
This is another trick that Brad Bird is worth referring to.

But Casey's paragraphs are not as lovable as the young Frank. The
story is mainly through her to lead to the badge, the recruitment of Athena,
and the process of escaping from the computer with Uncle Frank and re-entering the world of tomorrow.
This story should have become another exciting paragraph. It's an adventure,
but unfortunately Casey's character is not well shaped. Since meeting the badge and Athena,
screaming is more calm than running, and the brain is less than running. It is almost impossible to see the part of a talented girl,
but to convince the audience that it is this girl, reversed The 100% destruction rate of the world
is a bit like believing in my technique. (Naruto is you!?)

But the second part isn't so bad,
Bird doesn't let his movie become so boring, and
the best part is Casey who picked up the badge and ran into the open space to
make sure he didn't get hit with one head. After the crisis, he held the badge and started to roam the long shot of Tomorrowland.
He once again created a visual spectacle and a sense of surprise
through the first contact between the character and Tomorrowland. This time, through Casey's roaming, the audience can see Tomorrowland more clearly,
Flying pedestrians, floating swimming pools, high-altitude light rails, rocket travel,
a long shot
seems to really bring the audience into the world of tomorrow, making us all become curious children visiting some kind of technology exhibition, can't wait to run to every window In front of the exhibition area, I
pressed my face to see everything clearly, but I couldn't help being attracted by the next spectacle, so cool that I couldn't catch it.
This paragraph alone is enough to endure the dullness and overflowing sense of cutscenes in the second paragraph.

But the final paragraph is undoubtedly the worst in terms of plot and performance.
Here we see the truth of tomorrow's world.
Through the mouth of the characters, we declare that the beautiful and clean future prospect is just a propaganda method.
And the real world of tomorrow has long been ruined and desolate.
When mankind is destined to be destroyed, the future will also fade away.
The reason why the film feels top-heavy is because the film did not introduce the character Nix until this time,
and the characters who were unclear (or motivated by the plot) had torn up with him,
chaotic character relationships, inexplicable characters. The logic of the plot began to appear, and
finally it became a ball, the robots were fighting each other, the characters were fighting each other, and
using each other to present the "climax" of the plot was so formulaic that the Hollywood house made people drunk.

But I like a hint in the third paragraph,
that is, through the mouth of Nix, the cause of mankind's ultimate destruction is pushed back to mankind itself, and
mankind is self-defeating.
This concept is not uncommon, but in this story that emphasizes the "better future",
it also makes people sigh.
Once upon a time,
we are no longer the boy with the jetpack
or the one who will raise our hand in class. The girl who asked about the solution to the problem,
we looked at the signs of the destruction of the world,
then let it go, and then avoided it, thinking that there would be "others" to solve the problem,
otherwise we thought that we were not one of the murderers,
all kinds of crises are the common cause of mankind, Individuals are not responsible for it,
and when everyone thinks this way, the logical fallacy that no one is responsible for it arises.

"Every minute is filled with the possibility of a better future, but you just don't believe it. And because you don't believe it, you won't take the necessary actions to make that better future possible."
("In every moment there's a possibility of a better future, but you people won't believe it. And because you won't believe it you won't do what is necessary to make it a reality.")
Nix The setting is a villain, but his words are sonorous,
pointing directly to the pessimism of modern humans, and a deeper, self-destructive mentality,
although the plot is still cartoonish. The cause of this mentality is attributed to a evil waves on the big ball,
but in fact frightening thing is, we all know that reality is not sinking big ball,
plenty of media coverage for our disregard for the environment, warning of no sense,
and to achieve a better future inaction,
which This three-nothing mentality may be the villain that makes us doomed to our own demise.

At the end of the film, the protagonist blew up the big ball and the villain smashed it,
but they didn't say whether the world would be saved because of this.
They just sent more vanguards and more badges,
so that the world of tomorrow could be rebuilt.
Although this clip and music are extremely positive, like some kind of direct marketing propaganda,
I actually bought it a bit, and I even hope that everyone can buy a little bit of this optimism.
If you don’t believe so, walk out of the theater and raise your head. ,
as if they still saw the big ball still hanging high in the air.

View more about Tomorrowland reviews

Extended Reading

Tomorrowland quotes

  • Athena: You made this yourself?

    Nix: Athena, what are you doing here?

    Athena: Did you, or didn't you?

    Young Frank Walker: Uh, what?

    Athena: Did you make this yourself?

    Young Frank Walker: Yeah?

    Athena: Why?

    Young Frank Walker: I guess I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it for me?

  • [after the whole sequence where young Frank first arrives in Tomorrowland]

    Frank Walker: And then everything went to hell...

    Casey Newton: Oh boy...

    Frank Walker: Well it did...

    Casey Newton: So you gave them like one second of blue skies and jetpacks and hope...

    Frank Walker: It's important! They need to know the stakes!

    Casey Newton: I think they can figure out clocks counting down are bad.

    Frank Walker: Do you want to tell the story?

    Casey Newton: No, you're doing fine.

    Frank Walker: Because if you think you can tell the story better, I would absolutely love to hear you try...

    Casey Newton: Wow really?

    Frank Walker: Really!

    Casey Newton: Well I guess technically I am more qualified...

    Frank Walker: Are you? How so?

    Casey Newton: Because unlike you... I'm an optimist.