A little inspiration from my son's wish

Patsy 2022-03-22 09:01:14

In fact, the structure of this story is relatively clear. There is only one main line, that is, the story of the father who is a lawyer from being a liar to telling the truth. Of course, the change did not happen by himself, but a wish made by his son. So, this story actually has a certain sci-fi tinge to kelp. Why does a child's wish come true? Was it a real wish, not a coincidence? From this point of view, in fact, it is somewhat similar to the death of the gods. It's that you don't know whether it's the reason or not, but all phenomena point to that reason, or you really can't find any other more reasonable reason. I think this can be used as a way of thinking in future creations. When the plot can not be round, you can add such uncertain factors. Or, as a suspenseful existence, it gives people a feeling of horror.

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Extended Reading
  • Damian 2021-10-20 19:02:37

    Hollywood without Jim Carrey is like instant noodles without the seasoning package-not indispensable, but it will appear monotonous. PS kid’s blond mushroom hair type is super kawaii!

  • Icie 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    The behind-the-scenes footage is so lovely! I like Jim Carrey more and more.

Liar Liar quotes

  • Skull: [after being acquitted] Mr. Reed, great job. Say, do you want your coat back?

    Fletcher: No, I'm sure you'll be needing it again.

    [to himself]

    Fletcher: And again.

  • Samantha: You look like you're having a rough morning.

    Fletcher: [sarcastically] Ding ding ding! What do we have for her, Johnny?