
Violette 2022-10-18 11:13:18

"Hunting" questioned human nature time and time again. Every time the strongest resistance of human beings is to use sex as a means of resistance, the questioning method used in this film is also related to behavior. It must be admitted that the director has a good grasp of details, so that he does not use special artistic scenes to express the content, which is enough to attract people. The director cleverly used Carrara and Lucas to question human nature, and asked a serious question about "the beginning of man": Is human being good or human being evil? The director did not give us an answer in a direct way, but he guided us to think for ourselves and give ourselves an exact answer. After watching the video, my answer to myself is: human nature is evil by nature

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Extended Reading
  • Zoe 2021-10-20 19:02:23

    ❶This film is extremely desperate and depressing (but not dull), and it is prone to impulses such as lifting a shotgun for the male protagonist and starting to kill the clerk of the kindergarten principal and supermarket. Please watch it carefully. ❷We may all become those who abandon Lucas. Just as we believe that a person is mentally ill, all his behavior is mentally ill. ❸Bear children’s malice is more terrible than any malice, because they don’t know the consequences.

  • Arvid 2021-10-20 19:02:23

    Occupy the commanding heights of morality and hunt others, you have blood on your hands! ?

The Hunt quotes

  • Theo: The world is full of evil but if we hold on to each other, it goes away.

  • Bruun: It's common for children to describe non-existing details. I don't know if it's their imagination, or they pick it up from each other or from their parents. It's always assumed that children tell the truth And unfortunately, very often they do...