
Miles 2022-03-07 08:02:01

Is this movie horror? Is there a place where I can be terrified? NO! ! ! The poor father who has nothing (but he is quite handsome) just wants to keep his two sons, but the problem is that you just cry and cry, and then you can keep it with a little cleverness? Little son, you can cheat, what about the eldest son? I said if you want to play hard, and then drill into the deepest part of the forest, then dig a cellar and throw the two sons in, ok, we will be together forever. From time to time, the father will send some food and then contact the sons to communicate with each other. That doesn't guarantee that his son will escape. Or just drill down to the deepest part and shoot three times, and when it's over, no one wants to take you away from me. The end of the movie is so odd to me.

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Extended Reading
  • Summer 2022-04-19 09:03:08

    Not bad, be wary of authoritarianism playing the emotional card.

  • Titus 2022-03-07 08:02:01

    It was good at the beginning, but then it was very outrageous. How did my father become mentally ill, there was no explanation.

Edge of Winter quotes

  • [last lines]

    Bradley Baker: We'll be okay. Alright.

  • Elliot Baker: I'm a shitty father, say it.