Forever twilight (with pictures)

Candelario 2022-03-20 09:01:30

I revisited the Twilight series on a rainy day, and the plot was already well known. But when the scene unfolds one by one, the foggy forest, the rolling green mountains, and the rainy town all year round... all of them quietly entered my heart with the opening song Full Moon.

I still remember watching Twilight for the first time, because the fast-growing relationship between the male and female protagonists and the affectionate lines that pop up from time to time, uh... make me feel a little embarrassed. And as the plot deepened, I found myself indulging in their dangerous and taboo but beautiful and dreamy love story. The movie had a huge impact on me, making me feel dazed, lost, and even a little bit painful when I returned to the real world. After watching the whole series, their happy ending, permanent love didn't make me feel very happy. On the contrary, I feel that there is an emptiness in my heart that cannot be filled. Is this the end? I still feel empty in my heart, and I've been stumped all day long. So I figured out a way to transfer that sentiment elsewhere.

I started following the Twilight actors and enjoyed their tidbits. Go search for a variety of Twilight movie reviews, discussions, and find a sense of inner identity. Loop the music in it over and over, and close your eyes to recall various scenes. I will be interested in amway movies to others. I can proudly say that I am a true Twilight fan, and my friends have had enough of me, saying that when I talk about Twilight, my eyes light up and I go on and on. well! ~_~ I feel helpless in my heart, I should have Twilight Syndrome#_#.

Originally, the vast majority of what I liked about Twilight was because Edward, Stephanie Meyer shattered traditional stereotypes about vampires. In her writing, Edward is a prince charming who fits the dream of thousands of girls. He has a charming appearance, a voice that is too good for him, gentle and delicate eyes, and he also confesses affectionately from time to time. Especially since he is so devoted to love, he loves Bella more than his own life. How can such a character not make a girl's heart burst acridine (^○^)? Although at the beginning, his appearance did not make me feel very amazing, and it can even be said that he did not meet my cognitive standards for handsome European and American boys. But with the development of the plot, his personal charm is fully revealed, and his charming temperament makes me fall for it. The process of watching Twilight is: Oops ^O^ The more you look at Edward, the more handsome he is, how can he be so charming? Although the first part was at the peak of his appearance (the later parts felt a decline), he will always be the unshakable male god in my heart, and I feel like Bella "unconditionally and hopelessly in love" Got on him!" ≧◇≦(covering face)

Edward Witnesses Bella's Injury at Crescent Birthday Party

Because of my personal strong feelings for Edward, I was particularly disgusted with Bella in the back. I can't accept it. She was emotionally shaken in the second part, and the third part was even more extreme. She even admitted that she fell in love with Jacob and took the initiative to say "kiss me"! This made me feel like a 10,000 hit inside. Although Jacob is also good, it is not right to tread on two boats. Does such a person deserve Edward's unique love?

I was so annoyed at the time that I had a lot of prejudice against her. However, after playing through the Twilight series so many times, I noticed a lot of details, especially, when I brought my own feelings into Bella's character, I could understand the decisions she made. She knew from start to finish what she really wanted, she was going to become a vampire and share eternal love with Edward. Of course, this kind of thinking is different from ordinary people. After all, in the eyes of most people, Jacob is more real, and with him, he can live a normal life and be accompanied by warm sunshine. But we forgot, Bella doesn't like to play cards according to common sense, she has her own pursuit. As dawn breaks, her rebirth monologue "As a human, I am dead, but I have never been so alive, I was born to be a vampire".

Therefore, I still choose to respect Bella's choice, rather than judge her with my own subjective will. She has an independent mind and can bear the consequences of her choices.

Twilight Bella and Edward looking at each other in the tree

In addition, about Bella, there are two episodes in the new moon that particularly touched me. The first one is that after Edward said goodbye, after she opened her eyes, she moved forward desperately, chasing Edward's figure, the twilight was dark, and finally she was vulnerable and lonely. huddled under a tree. The second is that she fell into the sea, at the intersection of life and death, calmly watching the figure of her lover in the water, (here I have to mention that the music Slow life at the moment is so fitting! I can feel the deep sadness and despair through the screen) I I can really feel her pain, as described in the play, ""It's like a big hole was punched in my chest", nightmares all night, heart-piercing voices, sitting in front of the window haggard and speechless, the whole life seems to have lost its focus and harmony. Direction. Bella like this is distressing. Although she was temporarily healed by getting along with Jacob, all the trauma still exists, and she can only bear it alone in the dark night.

Let’s be honest, facing a lover who has left and confessed that “I don’t love you anymore, I will never see you again”, facing a love that seems to have no future, and the warm and warm love of the handsome little werewolf in front of me. Pursuit, she can still maintain the persistence of love. She is indeed very persistent, and it is precisely because of this persistence that she bravely went to Volturi, saved Edward, and saved this relationship. It can be seen that Isabella Swan can be the heroine, she must have something special, and she can also be worthy of Edward's love.

Crescent Edward and Bella say goodbye
Volturi's Foresight of Alice's Dream

In general, I like the first one the most. It has the most beautiful and comfortable pictures, and the budding relationship is the most clean and pure. The male and female protagonists are sweet, and the careful interaction can best satisfy the initial fantasy of little girls about love. But after so much, what I admire most is the next daybreak.

In one or two, what I saw was Bella's attachment to Edward, and she felt the huge change Edward brought to her life. But at the same time, she also loves the humble and is not very confident. She is vulnerable, always on the side of being protected. Later, after so many things, she gradually became mature. The happiest thing is that at dawn, Bella, who became a vampire, has new strength. She can join hands with Edward, support each other, fight side by side, and overcome difficulties together. There was nothing between her and him that could stand in the way.

I have always believed that Bella became a vampire is inevitable, so that both parties can be in an equal position in love. Both Edward and Bella have grown up in this relationship. They have become people who know each other better and are more suitable for each other. They have transformed each other into each other's spiritual pillars, and can work together to face the storms of life calmly. I think this should be what many people yearn for. Envy of love.

Twilight attends the spring dance
Dawn faces Volturi together
happy ending

Finally, let me confess to Twilight again! Some people think this is a bad movie, but in my heart, I like the pure and beautiful love between Bella Edwards, the warm Jacob, and the protection and dedication of the Cullen family to the family. I like to soak in the rain, the wet green Fox, and all the phantasmagoria in it. For me: Movies and novels are different, the movie Twilight has a bigger impact on me, I like the rhythm of the movie, it is not as delicate as the novel, but it is more concise and can give me a lot of imagination space. At the same time, I have to learn to separate reality and movies, no matter how embarrassing Rob and Xiao K are in real life, but in movies, Edward and Bella are already independent individuals, they have reached eternity, their lives It's still going on and it's never ending.

In the end, tell yourself that Twilight tells a very ideal love. Every time I talk about it, I feel both happiness and heartache. I feel that every time I think of it, every time I look back at the movie, I come to find abuse for myself> _<(ToT) In the bottom of my heart, writing this film review is like a solemn ceremony, which is absolutely necessary, which means that I want to put a perfect end to my past feelings and silly gestures. No matter how romantic the movie is, life still has to move forward, and I have my own goals to strive for. And, this is the ninth Twilight time and the last. But no matter what, in the memories of my future life, I will never forget the heartwarming feeling that Twilight gave me when I was young. Let it be the softest and most beautiful dream in my heart.

I will say goodbye gently:

Goodbye Twilight, goodbye Twilight forever.

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Extended Reading

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 quotes

  • [Jacob approaches Bella]

    Bella Cullen: I-I would keep my distance for now.

    Jacob Black: It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first.

    Bella Cullen: [suspicious] Since when do you care about Renesmee?

    [Jacob looks at Edward, who shakes his head no]

    Jacob Black: All right... take a whiff.

    Bella Cullen: [cautiously sniffing Jacob] Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink.

  • Alice Cullen: Happy Birthday.

    Bella Cullen: I stopped aging three days ago.

    Alice Cullen: Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up.