Surprised, there was still this level of racial and gender stereotypes in 8012.

Winona 2022-03-24 09:01:14

Didn’t everyone think that this is an exaggerated racially stereotyped white movie? All the poor, stupid and weak characters in it are people of color. The worst boss is Indian? Out of fear of Indian men, Indian women ask for help from white men, the incarnation of justice. They are finally caught by Indian men. Cruelly killed; one of the Chinese is a Chinese gangster who turns into a zombie in an exotic, messy night market in Malaysia, the other is an aunt who sells mysterious Chinese medicine and pirated DVDs in Chinatown; one is a mexican a dazed janitor, and the other robs a small shop in Chinatown Robber. . . All characters with decent career, charismatic, courageous, influential and capable of saving others are white. Only white people are in the image of "natural persons", the others are "others", including aliens. In the end, ethnic minorities and aliens were defeated, saved, or influenced by white heroes. Oh my god. When I watched it, the fat white man sitting next to me sighed: "This film is simply a microcosm of the world today."

The alien who was influenced by the straight white man said: “I didn’t expect America to be so beautiful. I don’t want to go anymore. I am a loser on my planet. I want to stay here. At the same time, I have to stop my fellow citizens. A large influx of people destroys the beauty here." Where are aliens? This is clearly a Chinese fan.

In terms of scene selection, Hollywood superhero movies have a routine, which is to set the origin of the disaster in an exotic and chaotic non-Western country, and then the disaster gradually spreads to the "civilized world". In the character setting, there is also a routine called minority sidekick. Friends of color are used to shape the protagonist with their love, admiration and dependence on the white protagonist. They are good people in themselves, but they are not complete characters. Generally speaking, the white heroine in American school idol dramas has two girlfriends, one of whom is black and the other is Asian, with cartoonish personality. (Therefore blacks and Asians are often jokingly called minority twins.) In the film, the homeless street white women, Chinese aunts, and Mexican janitors who are like brothers and sisters to the male protagonist, these "bridges of friendship" are all to set off The male lead walks freely and eats freely among the three religions and nine streams.

The white heroine is also a vase. There is a test that you pay attention to when you watch a movie: 1. Are there more than 2 female characters and lines in the movie? 2. Have they ever had a conversation? 3. Have you talked about anything other than your sweetheart? Very few blockbusters pass this test. Someone said that the heroine has a very strong personality and has to fight monsters together. This is another routine in recent years. In order to show equality, the character of the heroine of the vase is generally set to be very strong, and she will be asked to press an important button at a critical moment.

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Venom quotes

  • [She-Venom appears behind Treece]

    Eddie Brock: I guess it pays to be a specialist, huh? You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. And it's much, much bigger than you. Karma's a bitch.

    Security Chief Roland Treece: I don't believe in karma.

    [She-Venom grabs Treece and bites his head off]

    She-Venom: Hi, Eddie.

  • Eddie Brock: You bit somebody's head off.

    Venom: Fuel in the tank.