a nice movie

Desiree 2021-10-22 14:31:00

When a person is unable to sort out the clues of his life, we may all choose to go back to the beginning, to find back the past growth experience.

Some dialogues in it:

"If you don't make fun of yourself, life will become more boring than you hoped.

" "I realize how stupid it is to be too serious. I really want to cry. That feels good.

"I didn't cry since I grew up. I didn't cry at my mother's funeral either. What I tried... I thought about the saddest things in the movies... the pictures in life magazines that made me unforgettable , I concentrate, but it has no effect... In fact, I am so numb that is the thing that makes me feel the saddest...

"Some normal children do things that I miss very much.
"There are things that normal children do, I hope I can miss them.

"When you realize that the house you grew up in is no longer your real home...you understand the meaning of life. Suddenly, home The concept is gone...although you still have a place to put things.

"I still think my house is like a home.

"When you move out, you will understand that there will be such a day, and it will be gone. You will feel that you will never be able to recover. It's like the home you miss all the time doesn't exist... Maybe this is a process of growth. You will not regain that feeling until you rebuild a family. It is for your children, for the family you have built. It's like a kind of reincarnation. I miss this feeling very much. Perhaps the essence of family is here. A group of people imagined an imaginary place. "

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Extended Reading

Garden State quotes

  • Carol: Mark, he's a knight.

    Mark: He's just a fast food knight.

  • Andrew Largeman: Do you lie a lot?

    Sam: What do you consider a lot?

    Andrew Largeman: Enough for people to call you a liar.

    Sam: People call me lots of things...

    Andrew Largeman: Is one of them liar?

    Sam: I could say no, but how would you know I'm not lying?

    Andrew Largeman: I guess I could choose to trust you.

    Sam: You can do that?

    Andrew Largeman: I can try.