"Tales from the Loop" Poetic Dream

Garett 2022-12-31 18:43:03

The feeling of "Tales from the Loop" is like freezing my fantasy in formalin. In a town that is extremely cold in winter, the ground freezes more than half a meter thick, capturing the air bubbles that could not escape, forming mottled patterns. Everyone looks just right - Chinese with lacquered eyebrows and stars like the bright moon, Indians with strong wheat-colored skin, and a man with a lover who speaks with a magnetic echo like a vinyl record. The evening was depressing, and the dark night left the building with a black hole-like silhouette. The loneliness and fantasy here filled the vacuum-like gaps in my imagination—a little girl meets her grown-up self; a young soul goes out of her body and lives in a wild robot shell In the movie, it reminds people of the terrifying moment in "Junt"; the rusty soundbar can predict life expectancy; in the parallel universe, a man finds a graceful self and a handsome man who has never met but feels strong; The violin is played in the cage-like house, facing a window full of twilight, as if performing a sacrament; two people freeze time, wearing an eternity ring, kissing naked on the street like no one else, stirring the hair and skirt of passers-by ; The men and women making love are frozen in the moment, and the sweaty ketone bodies are like moaning statues... It turns out that the beauty makes the story so deep, the green raincoat and the damp notebook are like a metaphor, and the insects appear in the dusk like agreeing thoughts. . How important is beauty, it makes the feeling burn, the thin story becomes full, a play was originally just a conch, but you can hear the surging of the whole sea through it, your fantasy and the story overlap, like overlapping spoon.

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