The foreign version of female frequency cool text is worth a look!

Troy 2022-12-23 22:03:04

I started this historical drama for its looks. I really fell in love with this woman's beauty from Sleeping Spell, a proper princess face, not to mention Fanning's acting and beauty coexist.

Catherine II Alexeye.

He was the twelfth tsar of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia, the eighth emperor of the Russian Empire (reigned from July 9, 1762 to November 17, 1796), and the only one in Russian history to be crowned "The Great" Queen of the name.

In 1744, she was chosen by Queen Elizabeth I of Russia to be the fiancee of Peter III, the heir to the throne. Married Peter in 1745 and converted to Orthodoxy, changing her name to Catherine.

He ascended the throne in 1762 after leading the Praetorian Guard in a coup d'état. She advocates enlightened autocracy and advocates equality before the law.

During its reign, the Russian Empire expanded south and west, incorporating large swathes of territory including New Russia, Crimea, North Caucasus, Right Bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Courland from the Ottoman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the sac.

Participated in the three partitions of Poland between Russia and Austria, fought against Turkey to gain the Black Sea coast, annexed the Crimean Khanate, and continued to expand its territory, bringing Russia's territory to its peak. In 1796, his glorious life ended due to a stroke.

The above is the glorious life of the heroine. After reading it, the editor simply exclaimed that this is too handsome. A queen with ideals, aspirations and abilities is so attractive!

Catherine played by Fanning is smart and beautiful. In the first episode, she is innocent and beautiful, full of fantasies about love, and willing to dedicate herself to her future husband.

However, when her hopes are crushed by Peter again and again, Catherine gradually realizes that love will not happen to her and Peter.

Moreover, the Russian court at that time was extravagant and promiscuous, and the country was in dire straits. She loved to read and accepted the advanced ideas of Rousseau, Montesquieu and others. She hopes to dedicate herself to the empire and save her own life by the way.

Really wonderful! Calling everyone to see it!

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