Life Sucks

Mae 2022-09-09 19:05:34

There is only thing came across my mind after finishing this show: life sucks. And I wondering what are better things, the future or the hope, or the happiness and luck in the life we ​​used to ignore. "If you just get a job and get by, you're still gonna love your life because life is good even at its worst." There are always better things even life sucks.

The most amazing part in the show is the main characters are all female. All the male characters are designed to set off the images and personalities of women. It makes me feel comfortable and safe. "It is and it will be my stories" I think, while I'm watching the show. It makes me capture the messages of the story better, understand the emotions of the characters in the show and emphasize with the screenwriter.

But actually, there are something I don't like it even hate it. Seeing three girls cry out loud around Sam drives me crazy. And I think it's a disaster. It's so difficult and hard to looking for the original me among them. When I see three girls talking some naive and stupid things to Sam ang ignore her thoughts, my mind go crazy and this add another reason not to have children. Maybe when I grow older and have more life experience, or maybe I just can't get it, the happiness from spending time with children seems very wierd to me.

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