original city life

Palma 2022-09-07 13:22:16

The 120-minute movie isn't very informative, but it doesn't look long. What attracts people is the sense of reality. The Indian cities in the movie look very earthy, and the people in the Indian cities are also very earthy, but compared with domestic urban movies, it is much more real. In China, even rural-themed films often look bright and beautiful, and they speak out of bounds lines, which is close to China's main idea of ​​"talking one thing and doing another".

Earth is a stage of life, and China and India are probably both At this stage, I think it has nothing to do with positive and negative meanings. Aesthetics needs to have a realistic basis. When the peasant woman on the screen who is planting rice in the sun also wears light makeup and has tender skin and thin flesh, beauty is impossible to talk about.

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Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year quotes

  • Harpreet Singh Bedi: Even Spiderman has to take risks. At least I'm a salesman.

  • Sunil Puri: I'm giving you an offer of a lifetime.

    Harpreet Singh Bedi: Oh, so you sell phone cards as well?