
Giles 2022-03-17 08:01:01

Can't read the exam questions that should be read. Confused while eating lunch, watching zombie movies. Eat with this bloody feeling. This is my current state.

I've been crazy about zombie movies lately, or, in other words, I've always been crazy about zombie movies.

That feeling of despair, that feeling of doomsday, may be the hope in my heart. Although I don't agree with what my classmates said about looking forward to 2012, maybe I also have a little hope in my heart?

"Return of the Living Dead 3" is a film from many years ago, but I was attracted by the plot and everyone's comments. I still watched it. Watching while eating will definitely aggravate the rendering of the plot. Those blood and brains are piled up. of zombies. Shocking enough.

Now the zombie movies are relatively good-looking, and they have formed a certain scale and pattern. Occasionally, I go back and look at the previous zombie movies and find that they are so good-looking. They don’t have so many special skills. The real picture is really shocking.

It turns out that the previous zombies had feelings, knew pain, could speak, and had thoughts and feelings, so it was more difficult to let go than modern zombies. The male protagonist goes through fire and water for his girlfriend, and is willing to die. The heroine looked really unpleasant at first, but she resisted the urge to eat her boyfriend, even if she made herself into a sieve, it didn't matter.

It's called love. From what I see now, maybe they were too young and pure at the time, and they didn't have so many sophistication and scars in their hearts, and they didn't see through the world and were confused. They only have each other in their eyes, and they believe in such a simple love, even if they need to give up their family and life, they will do it.

It's a pity that I didn't encounter this film when I should have seen it, so it was difficult for me to match the feelings of the film. When the film made me cry, I just felt embarrassed and felt a tingling somewhere in my heart.

Sometimes I really hope that when I should watch this movie, I will meet the boy I should have met. Even if he becomes a zombie, it is not a bad experience.

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Extended Reading

Return of the Living Dead III quotes

  • Julie: The pain... The pain keeps the hunger away...

  • Curt Reynolds: I liked you when you were... the way you were before.