
Jacklyn 2022-03-15 08:01:01

The joys and sorrows in the movie are the most moving, because the movie has to produce good results in a short period of time, and the power of love is also great.

The framing of the movie is excellent, especially its close-up shots, which bring out the inner world of everyone vividly.
This movie is full of betrayal and pain, but in front of love, these are all insignificant. Only love is great, and love can help us overcome everything.
This movie made me feel a lot, especially the ending, which is always unexpected, but I think having an unexpected ending just reflects the ability of the screenwriter.

I feel that the tone of this film looks very comfortable, not fancy at all, especially calm and soothing.

The story is very touching and highly watchable. When I was watching the movie, I was completely immersed in the storyline, and the woman next door even cried.

The joys and sorrows in the movie are the most moving, because the movie has to produce a good effect in a short time, and at the same time

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Smiles of a Summer Night quotes

  • Desiree Armfeldt: I hit him on the head with the poker.

    Mrs. Armfeldt: What did the Count say then?

    Desiree Armfeldt: We elected to part amicably.

  • Desiree Armfeldt: Why don't you write your memoirs?

    Mrs. Armfeldt: My dear daughter, I was given this estate for promising not to write my memoirs.