The sky is full of stars falling into the sea

Sylvester 2022-03-17 08:01:01

This is an atypical Woody Allen. But still spiritual Woody Allen.

didn't fully understand. I want to say that it is really too obscure and fragmented. But there is one scene in the movie that I am very impressed with. The previous plots were all about Sandy, the famous director played by Woody, because of his confusion in his film career and difficulties in the emotional choice between several women, and suddenly the style of the film changed. He started trotting through the woods, chasing a bunch of aliens, and then there was a question and answer between the two sides, which was a really brain-opening clip:

Sandy: Wait a minute ,don't go, I've got some questions.

ETs: we can't breathe your air.

Sandy: Yeah, at the rate we are going we are not able to ,either. You guys gotta tell me, why is there so much human sufferings?

ETs: This is unaswerable

Sand: Is there a god?

ETs:These are the wrong questions.

Sandy:Look,Here is my point, if there is nothing last, why am I bothering to make films or do anything for that matter?

ETs: We enjoy your films, particularly the early funny ones.

Sandy:But the human condition is so discouraging

ETs:There are some nice moments,too.

Sandy:Yeah, with Doire,

ETs:That's right. And Isabelle, be honest.

Sandy:You prefer Isabelle?

ETs:There is no comparison, She is a mature woman

Sandy:A mature woman? What are you ?My rabbi?

ETs:Hey look I am a super intelligent being.By earth's standards, I have a IQ of 1600.and I can't even understand what you can expect to get from that relationship with Dorie.

Sandy: I ​​loved her.

ETs: Yeah, I know it. two days a month she was the most exciting woman in the world, the rest of the time, she was a basket case. On the other hand Isabelle is some one you can count on.

Sandy: Should I stop making film s and do something that counts. Like helping blind people and becoming a missionary or something?

ETs: Let me tell you, you are not the missionary type, you never last. and it's not that you are the super man, you are a comedian, you wanna do real mankind service? Tell funnier jokes.

Sandy: Yeah, but I gotta find meaning.


This is my favorite part of the whole film. It is very straightforward to say the real Woody Allen's inner tangle and anguish. Alas, intellectuals can always see philosophical propositions in his films. Is there a God? When you come up, use eternity to ask people down.

Speaking of which, Woody Allen, the most attractive old man in the world who has attracted countless women, beauties such as Mia Farrow, Carrie Johansson, and talented women such as Diane Keaton and Natalie Portman, he is really unbelievable. I understand. I thought that talented people either love beautiful women or talented women, or both. But the love and marriage between him and his adopted daughter Song Yi really taught me a lot. It's just a geek.

This film looks a bit like an autobiography of an old man. However, while he was busy with his own affairs, he did not forget to worry about human beings. But that's how we humans are, with endless love and hate, we constantly want to break free from our own pattern, but reality tells us to abide by our duties and do you job. So that's where the material for the Old Man Woody movie came from. He just likes to do this kind of drama where people laugh when they think about God. According to Chinese philosophical thought, Woody must be a Taoist theory, because in his other films, you can also see him endlessly asking about love and hate, the boundaries of life and death, the meaning of existence, etc. For example, in "Manhattan" "In the oath, "Because nothing worth knowing can be understood with the mind..Everything really valuable has to enter you through a different opening. If you'll forgive the disgusting imagery.". These lines are also one of my favorite lines in so many Woody Allen movies. I wonder if he has read our Chinese Laozi Zhuangzi Su Shi.

This little snippet of the excerpt was meant to discuss serious topics, but Woody is Woody, thank goodness he always has a way to make the context less heavy, and you can still feel his humor and romance (after the conversation, the wonderful jazz The moonlight serenade sounded)

You can not only see Woody's torture and reflection on his film life as a master artist from this film, but also can't help but recall all kinds of his own life, as if the stars are falling into the sea, where should the exiled heart go? ?

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Extended Reading

Stardust Memories quotes

  • Sandy's Sister: Mom's blind in one eye, deaf in one ear.

    Sandy Bates: Oh. I hope the same side of the head, right? Because that's important. So she's even. She should be even at that age.

  • Sandy Bates: I've had six chauffeurs in two years. You get me drunks, guys who can't understand English, one guy ran over an old lady with me in the car and now this guy's wanted for mail fraud.