Those love and impossible pursuits

Amos 2022-09-28 12:06:29

The 1984 film is a happy ending version of "The Bridges of the Last Dreams".

Meryl Streep was 35, Robert De Niro was 41, and I wasn't even born. The plot story of this movie is very simple, but the two actors' fiery acting skills, especially the two people's control and restraint of their emotions, make this movie unforgettable in its delicate aspects, sad but not sad... Especially Aunt Mei, in order to meet her lover, kept changing clothes, combing her hair in front of the mirror, and kept asking herself: "who am I"...full of girlish hearts. And De Niro is more gentle gentleman and affectionate.

Love is beautiful, although sometimes it is those love and impossible pursuits.

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Falling in Love quotes

  • Molly Gilmore: [talking to Isabelle about Frank] No, I think about him every day. Last thought before I fall asleep and first thought when I wake up. I talk to myself all day about him, even when I'm talking to somebody else, even when I'm talking to you now I'm talking to myself about him. Brian thinks I'm ill, he thinks that it has to do with my father, he thinks the stress and, you know, all that... Thinks I'm having a breakdown, but I'm not, there's nothing wrong with me. Except that I love him.