Listed as a must-see movie for my daughter

Christopher 2022-03-21 09:03:01

My daughter must see this movie. This is a story about a grandmother for her mother and a mother for her daughter.

A life without awareness is just endless reincarnation, even the little birds yearn for the freedom outside the window. However, in the past century, for Chinese women, if they want to pay for their sense of independence, they may have to pay the price of their lives. For example, An Mei's mother committed suicide by swallowing opium, just to give An Mei the power of her soul, so that she could be blessed and fly out of the feudal house. Mother and daughter inherit each other, so that the time and space that this female hymn travels through is still exciting after a hundred years.

Even in modern times, women who are both weak and support each other in the face of life's hardships, such self-denial, apart from mother and daughter, it is impossible to have a second relationship. Whether you marry or leave, you are the most precious baby in mother's heart. You may be lost in the eyes and words of men, but your mother will always know your value. When you are the most unbearable and selfless, she will tell you that you deserve to be treated well.

I also absorbed the power of the soul from my grandmother and mother. Stumbled and walked so far, relying on the strength.

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The Joy Luck Club quotes

  • Rich: So, how'd your mom react when you told her about the wedding?

    Waverly Jong: It never came up.

    Rich: How come?

    Waverly Jong: She'd rather get rectal cancer.

  • June (Age 9): You want me to be someone I'm not. I'll never be the kind of daughter that you want me to be.

    Suyuan: Only two kinds of daughter: obedient or follow-own-mind. Only one kind of daughter could live in this house: obedient kind.

    June (Age 9): Then I wish I wasn't your daughter. I wish you weren't my mom.

    Suyuan: Too late to change this.