Religion is food, faith is spice

Holden 2022-03-21 09:03:31

I seldom watch Turkish movies. The holiday turned out "The Republic of Spice". The story is very simple. The Greeks living in Turkey were deported back to their own city, Athens, but they didn't feel like their homeland.

Maybe many ABCs will feel the same way. When they return to China, they are called turtles and bananas. Anyway, they can't find the feeling of home. Wherever they live, they must be careful everywhere they live, just like Lin Daiyu.

Grandpa owns a spice shop and often communicates with his little grandson about the use of various spices. It is interesting that the grandfather corresponds the spice with the universe, and inspired the grandson "Chili pepper, hot red, what does it associate with?" The grandson said "sun". Grandpa praised that the sun can see any planet, just as chili peppers can be paired with any food. Cinnamon is Venus, sweet and bitter like a woman. In this way, Vanness's astronomy class is enlightened from grandpa, and all the planets are not only in their positions, but also in smells and colors.

Such a group of Greeks without a homeland were hated and expelled by the people of Allah because they refused to renounce their religion, and they were doubted and rejected by their compatriots when they returned to Greece. They strongly expect a kind of belonging, just like the uncle said in the film, there are two kinds of travelers in the world, one is those who look at maps, the other is those who look at mirrors, those who look at maps will leave, and those who look at mirrors, Will eventually come back home.

Religion and belief are separate for me. Religion is like a form. It is food that you can see and eat. Faith is a belief. It is salt and cinnamon. Although you can't see them, they determine the food the taste of. I don't agree with many people who say that Chinese people have no faith. Maybe it's more appropriate to say that we don't have such a heavy religion. Faith, like home, permeates everyone's behavior and language. Although not every Chinese faces the wall to greet Allah in the afternoon, nor does he go to church to visit God every Sunday, we know how to treat people. Self, kindness is rewarded, respecting the ruler and returning the zhang.

The photography of the film is very particular. One of the Islamic monks is shouting on the tower of the temple (it seems that it is time for prayer, like a watchman). The camera is slowly zoomed out, from the medium shot of the monk to the long shot and then to the wide angle. , took pictures of the various roofs of Istanbul, and in the sunset, a religious mystery and shrouded.

The relationship between food and spices also insinuates a lot of content in the film, perhaps the relationship between love and marriage, or the distance between conscience and reality.

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