Have you ever burned emotionally?

Willis 2021-11-14 08:01:26

The epic plot, intoxicating music, wonderful performances and expressive photography are perfectly integrated in this film, creating a timeless classic. After watching this film, have you got any enlightenment? There is no horror in the danger in life, there is no grief in the loneliness in life, there is no shortcoming in the indulgence in life, and the pain in life has nothing to do with burying. The key is: even though In the dark night where there is no one's attention, have you ever burned passionately, like that unwilling soul, in order to thank you for this short period of time?

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Extended Reading
  • Eric 2022-04-23 07:01:43

    His life seems to be becoming dull, but after experiencing all this, he has nothing to ask for, let it flow. Everyone has to accept the suppression of life and the environment, how to face it, how to stick to his heart, so that it will be truly dull Bar

  • Alden 2021-11-14 08:01:26

    This color, this picture, this time, this feeling, this past, this man, this love, it hurts so much

Legends of the Fall quotes

  • Tristan: You guys look like a bunch of ice-cream cones!

  • Tristan: Miss Finncannon. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you and Ugly here find every happiness together.