There must be a gap with Pikachu in my heart

Rebekah 2021-12-02 08:01:26

I just went to the mainland and saw the original soundtrack. The specific summary is as follows:

1. A lively inspirational film has become a warm-hearted film (maybe the American film style is like this, right?)

2. The long-awaited scene, Pikachu comes out of the Pokeball, this scene did not wait. .

3. Here are some good things. Pikachu is the perfect Pikachu in my heart. The hair details are well done, and the cute expression is also perfect. The sound of "Pika Pika" is also the original soundtrack of anime, which is quite satisfactory.

4. The overall shooting method, the sense of the lens and the special effects processing technology are absolutely praised. It is worthy of being an "American product", and it is better than anyone else.

5. Talk about the plot, restore the main line in the game of the same name, it is still OK, the catenary between "Dad" and "Pikachu" is also hung very well, that is, some characters and emotions are relatively simple. It's a bit like Japanese TV series. .

In conclusion, the ticket price is directly proportional to the movie, which is generally better than a certain league. .

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Extended Reading
  • Elouise 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    At first, I didn't dare to accept the hairy Pikachu, but now I'm embarrassed to see the smooth one. The plane turned 3D successfully. I like the part where the male protagonist holds Pikachu into the "forest". Almost every time Pikachu appeared in the audience, he whispered "Ah, ah, ah, so cute". The human part is basically still the standard Hollywood adventure mode, but there is a small twist at the end, and if a sequel is made, it may be a different style of Pikachu. (I want to play with my cat after reading it, ahhh my hands are itchy

  • Shaun 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    I find that people often see cute things and ignore the plot and other characters too much. The whole world view structure is very ethereal, and I don't feel real to any of the characters. It tries to build suspense with the tone of "American noir detective film", but these are just skins, please study "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".

Pokémon Detective Pikachu quotes

  • [first lines]

    Mewtwo: They're outside.

  • Howard Clifford: The transfer worked. My body is in the chair, but my mind is in Mewtwo.

    Tim Goodman: Howard?

    Howard Clifford: Well done Tim, you and Harry's Pikachu led me straight to Mewtwo.

    Tim Goodman: Mewtwo didn't cause the crash.

    Howard Clifford: All your father had to do was take the money and walk away, But he started asking questions. I had to stop him.

    Tim Goodman: You tried to kill him!

    Howard Clifford: I had no choice! He tracked the R* to the battles, then traced it back to Dr. Laurant, and then he and his Pikachu helped Mewtwo escape!