This show is so fucking cool!

Thea 2022-12-01 23:24:19

Just a few impressions: (with spoilers)

●The first two episodes resonated with me very much. (Including the life patterns of mother and daughter.

●Stan Lee! So sweet! This should be the cutest and most likable boy in the film and television works I have ever seen! (Of course, in real life it is even more impossible to compare to the film and television works, so this is to say that this character is the most attractive boy I have ever seen in the first half of my life)

●This drama is so sweet! ("Sweet" here means cute.)

●There are too many bright characters in this drama. great! (Including the heroine's friend, the little but mature brother, and of course the hero and heroine mentioned above)

●Final ending! The ending is so fucking cool! (Although it was foreshadowed at the beginning) This is a teen movie, guys! Youth movie! And this ending! Really cool ending in a youth movie! ! Hahahahahaha! In the end, there was a question about "alliance", looking forward to the second season!

(And then I said, the heroine was walking on the street covered in blood in the title, and it was like an inspirational picture of mine? Fortunately, it is not exactly the same)

●Finally, I want to say that this drama is short and powerful. It's great as a youth movie, as a superpower movie, and as a suspense movie... In short—oh! I love it!

●I originally wanted to play four stars. But for the shocking ending, no matter what, get five stars!

(Finally, I still want to say it again, Stan Lee is really sweet)

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