
Brooke 2022-03-22 09:02:14

When Dumbledore anthropomorphized into the human world, other circus animal companions in the past all changed their roles and appeared in different human roles. A pair of Holt's sons and daughters, they pity Dilbao because Dilbao and Dumbledore They also lost their mothers, cherished each other, and excited moving expressions. "Dumbo" is a very smart movie, and the narrative perspective is all human, which is different from the animated version of "Dumbo" we remember, although Just as cute and cute, but this time it's more realistic

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Dumbo quotes

  • Holt Farrier: [as he, Milly, and Joe slowly approach Dumbo, hiding underneath a pile of straw] Don't be scared.

    [diminishing to a whisper as he squats down in front of the straw pile]

    Holt Farrier: Don't be scared now; your momma's right outside.

  • [first lines]

    Max Medici: Come on, time to go. We haven't got all day. Get that monkey on the train. The Medici Brothers' circus is taking off!