it's my type

Tyrese 2022-10-29 09:29:03

I really like this show very much, I like the rhythm of each episode, it's not rushed, not rushed, not slow, leisurely, there are many scenes of driving, a lot of dialogue, close-up of characters and pictures of fixed shots, etc. My feeling is that it is very comfortable and natural, allowing people to calm down and listen carefully and feel it. It is an immersive experience, not some meaningless content, nor does it reveal a boring taste like other movies. For me, this drama is not boring at all. It is not a relish, like the spicy crayfish that makes people appetite, but the mellow and fragrant stewed black chicken with cordyceps flowers. Of course, the latter has more nutritional value.

In addition to the rhythm, I also like the tone and lighting of this show, as well as the angle of the lens (I don't know the professional terms in this area, if you have the opportunity, you must read professional books). The whole picture is clear and natural, with soft lighting. The clothes of the characters and the background environment are very integrated and in harmony. Although it is very common, it must have been carefully crafted by a professional team, and the large forests and trees give people a relaxed mood and state, which makes people feel like watching a drama. It is a kind of enjoyment and leisure, not tension and excitement, and tension and excitement are not bad.

Another very important point is that I really like the director's way of blurring the background. I really like this look. After blurring, it highlights the key points and makes people focus on one place. This is one of the reasons why the picture looks soft.

Of course, I also like the actors of this show very much. Ralph is a bit inarticulate, which is very charming. Holly's unique charm of an outsider is also very attractive. It is no wonder that Andy will take risks in order to protect her. , the lawyer and the others are also very good. Besides, the background music is very touching, and the story that progresses layer by layer makes me look forward to it every week, because I haven't watched the drama like this for a long time, and the ending is not bad. In short, I look forward to it. The next season of The Outsider will be even more exciting. (If you have time, you can go and read the original book)

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