The topic of face recognition.

Karley 2022-09-02 00:05:34

Every time I watch a movie, I just grab a point and watch it. For this movie, my point of choice is face recognition.

Embedding face recognition technology on weapons can achieve precise strikes on people, but won't you die if you don't show your face?

In today's China, when you enter a student dormitory, you need to brush your face, and when you go home, you need to brush your face when you open the door. However, it is different from people looking at people in the past, but a delayed machine looking at people. I remember a story. A foreign expert came to China to participate in the exhibition. However, face recognition was required to enter the exhibition. Therefore, the foreign expert left angrily and did not participate in the exhibition. This incident shows that some countries are very protective of personal privacy. humane. On the other hand, in China, it is said that China is socialist and the people are the masters of the country, but many legislations have nothing to do with the public, and the Chinese people seem to have no privacy.

There are more and more cameras everywhere on the street, try to have no dead ends. It is for safety, in order to check any criminal behavior at any time. Indeed, China's Tianyan has built many great achievements. The crime rate in society is decreasing year by year. We are being monitored by the state at any time.

However, Alipay, which is being promoted by the whole street, is paid by face recognition. Is there any legal restriction on this serious privacy violation? First of all, is the technology of face recognition 100% mature and foolproof? I believe that no one dares to say that face recognition technology has no loopholes. Since this is an immature technology that seriously violates personal privacy, why allow it to grow savagely?

There is also the facial information database collected and stored by Alipay. Whether it can be applied to any project of Alibaba and use this database for other profit-making activities, as consumers, as lambs, we do not know.

In the future, will face no longer belong to us personally, will we lose our face.

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Angel Has Fallen quotes

  • Mike Banning: All right, you stay here. I'm gonna go and draw them out.

    Clay Banning: No, no, I wouldn't.

    Mike Banning: Why?

    Clay Banning: Old bull, young bull.

    [as he clicks a detonator, an explosion rocks nearby]

    Mike Banning: What the fuck?

  • Mike Banning: You almost blew me up, damn it!

    Clay Banning: I didn't tell you to run down there.

    Mike Banning: Oh, shit. Well, I hope you got more fun and games, 'cause we're about to be overrun!

    Clay Banning: Go pull on that wire.

    Mike Banning: What wire?

    Clay Banning: In the fucking leaves! Where else?

    Mike Banning: Fuck!

    Clay Banning: Go get it!

    [Mike finds the wire]

    Clay Banning: Go!

    Mike Banning: [as he pulls it, it triggers a row of explosions] Really?

    Clay Banning: You're welcome.