To live or to perish, that is the question

Sterling 2022-03-22 09:01:58

Bounty hunters, wizard hunters, if there are ordinary human beings who challenge the gods in the form of a human, can they create a new profession called god hunter?

The arrival of the new crown pneumonia seems to be the resurrection of the Great Witch. The spell cast by the Great Witch for Calder in the movie actually links Calder's life with the Great Witch. Death is the unbreakable truth of the universe.

Humans will die, the universe will die, but new life will be born in death. If Calder kills the Grand Witch, Calder himself will die.

Judging from the logic of the movie, the death of the great witch means that there will be no more plagues in the world. For the time being, let's not talk about whether other mutations will occur in the plague tree, but only after the plague disappears.

Calder is the last wizard hunter, which means that if Calder dies, there will be no power in the world that can fight wizards.

Justice and evil always go hand in hand, evil elements in wizards must exist, and at this time dark wizards will have no taboos, so the choice made by Calder at the end of the movie is not forcibly by the director for a happy ending, but it really follows the world. iron law.

There is a method of creation in the dark, and everything in the world must follow a set of rules of invisible existence - balance, and this balance can never be broken.

It is not only life itself that is approaching death from birth, but also the universe that carries life. The universe will die, but a new universe (perhaps no longer called the universe) will be born.

Some people may say that the lifespan of different species varies greatly, which is too unfair. In fact, this unfairness itself is a kind of fairness.

Time itself is the fourth dimension, and it is an attribute to measure the speed of space. Although absolute time is different, relative time is worth thinking about.

In other words, absolute time can be measured in unit markers, while relative time depends on the species' own "sense", the perception of the passage of time.

This is what we often say that different people perceive the same time scale (say, an hour) differently.

This kind of life experience also exists between species. The average lifespan of different species varies greatly, and the lifespan or the tortoise lives long.

Fairness is reflected in relative time. Species living and dying have a slower perception of the flow of time than the turtles, and species with longer lifespans have a faster perception of the flow of time. This is the manifestation of the species.

From species to individuals, usually, we realize that time flies after time has passed. For example, after graduating from college, you will say that time flies so fast.

At the time of graduation from college, different people have different perceptions of the flow of time in the past four years of college. This difference is reflected in personal happiness. Of course, the meaning of happiness (achievements and lifestyles in line with personal values) depends on personal understanding.

Either you have achieved great things in these four years, or you have lived a lifestyle that conforms to your own values ​​in these four years, and you will experience the "more" of time more than those in the opposite group.

I'm not a religious person, but thinking about the process from birth to death is a bit sacred. This process has a beginning and an end, so our decisions and actions have some real meaning and value, even though the creator of the rules itself is a paradox s.

Paradox refers to the infinity of the question of origin. God created human beings, and who created God? This question can be asked continuously, and human beings will indeed continue to ask, but this is an unsolved problem. The solution to an unsolved problem I call a paradox.

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The Last Witch Hunter quotes

  • Kaulder: Do you know what I'm afraid of? Nothing.

  • Kaulder: [flying in turbulence] These are ancient runes. They can manipulate weather. Rain, wind, cold, heat... And you just jammed them together in your bag? You know what you get when you mix a thunderstorm with cool, moist air at 40,000 feet? It's simple science.