keep work harder, never give up

Theron 2022-12-13 16:25:24

Episode 1 1. Bill Gates likes to read, he likes to read wherever he goes (with ten books), he likes to read on themes (five books for one question) 2. Pay attention to rest: play tennis and all other sports, like walking, not only in at home or in the forest. 3. Love to read: There is no outstanding person who does not love to read, from Buffett to Bill Gates, and Bill's reading methods are from macro to micro, from framework to core, and he has a super understanding ability.

How does the second episode solve the problem that the vaccine has entered the Nigeria area, and there are still people infected with polio? 1. Use technology to draw a 3D map, and combine the population and infection points to find the infection site. 2. The actual situation The infection occurred in some areas at the junction of the two areas, similar to the ridge area, and they both believed that the other was vaccinating people in the area, and the last two were empty.

3. Start from these dangerous places, but when the disease is close to extinction, it has been interfered by terrorism, which can be said to be a failure. But it did not affect Bill's fighting spirit at all, and he borrowed Buffett's money to continue to invest more.

Episode 3 How to find future energy sources that don't pollute the atmosphere?

1. Nuclear energy is the result of the chain reaction of neutrons hitting atoms. The fission produces huge energy, and at the same time does not produce carbon dioxide, which is friendly to the atmosphere. 2. But to prevent radiation from the leakage of nuclear materials, safety is the key. The 1986 Cherbel nuclear power plant and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant nuclear leaks.

3. Bill funded the research and development of a new cooling method to sign China to start the construction of Terra Power, but was stopped by the US government in the trade war.

Summary: 1. Bill has achieved great success and wealth before the age of 30, but he has continued to struggle throughout his life, trying to change the world and improve the society. He is a complete lifelong learner, curious, humble, passionate and resilient, and with such traits combined with his bright brain and better platform, it is hard not to fail. 2. The engineering male is still naive about politics. He was tricked by the US government twice. The first time was to use the anti-monopoly law to forcibly split his company (although he tried to prove that he was the result of market selection of healthy competition); the second time The second is to use the terms of the trade war to block the nuclear power project of China's Terra Power. The reason is not that his positioning of technology to change the world is flawed, but that it is all outside of technology: human frailties, terrorist wars, ridiculously dirty politics. 3. The whole film hits me with two sentences: ① Every time when faced with difficulties, Bill will show his superhuman optimism. Compared with give up, he thinks he needs to work harder. Course selection software design in high school, late stage of toilet revolution, polio additional investment of tens of billions, nuclear energy projects, etc. ②In his eyes, success is not how much you get, or even how much you give, but what kind of person you become in the end.

View more about Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates reviews