What hurts in the gay world is the heterosexual...

Presley 2022-04-12 08:01:01

When coming out and meeting true love, for a gay man, I am afraid there is nothing more perfect than this. Everyone deserves a love story like Simon's. What about Victor's story? The bright colors of "Love You, Simon" in 2018 are still shining. Simon's story has ended, or rather, Simon's story has begun to continue in New York City. At Creekwood High School in Atlanta, Simon's experience is still being repeated. At least Victor and a girl got on the Ferris wheel where Simon found true love. He's far from his true love, and while you can repeat someone else's form doesn't mean you've found someone else's truth.

Mia and Victor

The footsteps of the current people have already stepped out of the way, do they really think that the future generations will walk more and more smoothly? Coming out is still a war because it involves the truth. The theme of "Love You, Victor" is still the same as "Love You, Simon", although the story told by the former is not as bright as Simon's story at all. How does a boy who is not as lucky as Simon, like Victor, tell his story of coming out and meeting true love?

Victor and Benji

Why can't he just come out of the closet? He had to do this to complicate his life. Why does he have to kiss Benji to make Benji realize that his gay love is not as good as he thought? The predecessors have been in love from generation to generation, and the descendants still seek the beauty in love, and still encounter the disaster of love. Are people not bored? Come out too. From coming out movies in the 90s to coming out movies in 2020, coming out is still so hard and full of dramatic reactions. Like Simon said, you can speak your truth boldly, but you can never control other people's reactions.

The problem is that stories are always one type of story, but the details of life have quietly changed. Simon's coming out was a disaster and a blessing in disguise. Victor's coming out was also a disaster and destined to be good. They just have a different situation. They are no different at all.

victor and quarreling parents

But where are the finer details? On Victor's best friend Felix, on Mia's best friend Lake, on Mia's football man Andrew. These frustrated heterosexuals really deserve a better love story. I mean, what the hell did Mia do wrong, to suffer from abandonment over and over again? She watched as the perfect love story happened to someone else. She does carry all the projections of grievances.

If you read too many stories about homosexuality, you will find that it carries a bigger ambition: to transform heterosexuality. Especially transforming the sports stars who represent the most representative of heterosexual culture. Andrew represents a much sought-after sports star and these scumbags are starting to have more of a sensibility. Perhaps, this is the ambition in gay stories. They are pretty much the nightmare of these teenage gays, with or without love, or hatred.

The innocent and beautiful happiness created by heterosexuality has encountered a naked crisis. Victor's parents are such a real-life example. They are the golden boy and girl in high school, the crystallization of the wonderful high school love story imagined by Americans for generations, and behind it hides the frustration and pain. The mother cheated, the man was fired, and the family moved. The integrity of those families of origin that they strive to maintain is at the cost of the unhappiness of each individual. In its place is the happiness of a non-native family rebuilt by Mia's father. Creekwood High School still holds an annual prom to elect their King and Queen. But the good in people's minds, I mean Victor and Mia, are having a crisis offstage - girl cheats on boy, boy kisses another boy. As a result, those struggling heterosexuals, Lake and Felix, inspired each other and rediscovered themselves. A heterosexual couple who always came out of group anxiety, representing the "King and Queen" who were separated from each other, took to the stage and won the Love. Heterosexuality gives you the opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Lake and Felix

Benji and boyfriend kiss in Victor, watching Victor's grandfather from Texas

Victor's story is told correctly and introspectively. Only Americans can tell a story like this so correctly and smoothly. Because of the spirit of introspection, it makes you moved, alert, and happy. "A sexy girl and a gay handsome boy, this kind of story is not too old." This is what basketball star Andrew said to his favorite Mia. You'd be hard-pressed to imagine any athletic boy in a '90s gay come out movie saying something like that. In fact that is impossible. After going through so many gay stories, maybe they realized that their masculinity just needs to be properly restrained. Society has changed, feminist awareness has risen, and the words "I just like strong women", even if they come from a basketball boy, are nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, they add to his charisma. Those homosexuals who tried to be different, began to divide. Just look at Benji's boyfriend, Benji's boyfriend said things like "We struggled for so many years to be gay before completely letting go of the stereotyped form of heterosexuality. Why do we express our love like them?" It was really a political mistake in "Love You, Victor." It's no surprise that Benji left his boyfriend and threw himself into Victor's arms, but was this an overkill for an early declaration of homosexuality? And Simon's New York story also shows the role of Xiao He. Being out of the closet is like looking down on heterosexuals and is no longer popular, although you can choose whether you are more masculine or more feminine.

Victor and Andrew

But I'm afraid this is still the homosexual perspective of the rotten woman. For the rotten girl, the only constant way is that what moves people is still singing, and what conquers people is still sports. So Victor still had to rely on his basketball skills to get ahead in school, otherwise how could he possibly be selected as King at prom? Where Benji really touched Victor was his singing. If a girl hears her beloved boy singing emotionally in the audience, or sees her boyfriend on the sports field, the girls wear miniskirts and spin in a high-altitude to help cheer, is there any truer love in the world than this? ? I am afraid that the CP pair of Victor and Benji can have this perfect love glory. They are together, the perfect partner imagined by a rotten girl. Fortunately, love is not the point, coming out of the closet is, so Victor's not too wonderful love story does not affect the wonderfulness of this online drama at all. The most wonderful love is Felix and Lake's heterosexual love. It's telling girls to find the boy you love, albeit not perfect.

simon and victor

The fur-collared jacket that Simon still wears that rotten girls love screaming, I am afraid it is no longer suitable for New York. Simon gave Victor the coat to shelter from the cold and wore it back to Atlanta. I'm afraid Simon's story will repeat itself in Victor.

In the words of Karen in "Will and Grace": "It's really the oldest story in the world: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, girl finds out boy cheating, boy falls in love with another Wait a minute, maybe this isn't the oldest story in the world." In 2020, "Love You, Victor" is still telling that story, and it really isn't old at all. It changes gender and sexuality, and nothing is the same again. Because it relates to the truth, it stays fresh forever. The truth is always there, whether you face it or not, it's there. Facing it is just the least embarrassing way for us.

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Extended Reading
  • Dayne 2022-04-17 09:01:13

    The appearance is not as good as the movie version, but I still like the actor who plays Benji

  • Lina 2022-04-14 09:01:07

    Sorry, I'm a handsome dog. I really think Simon is much prettier than Victor... Hahahahahahaha