Top Ten Best Movies of the Black American System in 2013

Trystan 2021-11-22 18:54:21

Let me explain in advance that this recommendation is not aimed at anyone who admires foreigners and foreigners, please do not sit in the same seat, thank you for your cooperation! Just to let everyone better understand that any coin has both positive and negative sides, just like where there is sunlight, there must be shadows, and where there is shadow, it is because of the sun. We should not go to extremes in our understanding of anything. Once we go to extremes, we will deviate from the true value of our knowledge of things, and even symptoms of "superstition" will appear. Only by recognizing the pros and cons, can we better "worship foreigners", right?

Back to the topic, 2013 was a year of mixed good and bad for Obama. What is happy is that Bara was struggling to be successfully elected to continue to govern. There are too many worries. The occupation of Wall Street has just ceased, and within a few days of taking office, more than 10W people have arrived. The White House website jointly called for the division of the country, and then one after another broke the bad news that the city filed for bankruptcy, and finally took the brunt of Detroit, the largest automobile city. As for the withdrawal and withdrawal of troops from other people’s homes, there are numerous resistances to taxing the wealthy, the repeated delays in health care reform, the keyword search of pressure cooker + backpack, and the swearing of Putin in the air, but also Snowden, who fell from the sky, let us know that "1984" is not a dream...All these internal and external difficulties have kept Obama busy. It is conceivable that accumulating too much grievance has led to complaints from the people, and it is reasonable to produce all kinds of small pieces of righteous indignation. As for the country that has always been advertised as "democracy and freedom", whether it is Obama or the country that has the problem, we outsiders don't know. Then, let us take a look at how American people vented their dissatisfaction in movies in 2013. Maybe it will give us a glimpse of the country's non-stop over the past year.

Please note that several of them were produced at the end of 2012. Taking into account the timeliness of viewing by the Chinese people, they are also included in 2013.

First place: "Gentle Killing" (Brad Pitt)
There may not be anything more exciting in this world than scolding Obama. What's more, it is still the world's leading idol male god swearing at the right male god, despite the fact that there is a layer of monitor screen between the two. It’s just that fans entangled in the fact that they don’t know who they will vote for.

Second place: "The Promised Land" (Matt Damon)
Compared to Pete's open mouth, Damon is much more subtle, but also much more insidious. Dressed up Obama directly and played tricks of fooling people. After being exposed to Huyou people face to face, that vivid embarrassment, I believe Damon must have practiced hundreds of times.

Third place: "The Countdown to Life and Death" (Paul Walker)
This film shouldn't be counted as the third place. Considering Paul's recent great influence against death, in order to respect the deceased, let him die without regrets! In the film, taking care of the hypoxic infants desperately desperate, seeing the rescue plane being hijacked by guns, and the few rations of dry food still being looted by soldiers, it will really make people cry for Paul, why are you so sad!

Fourth place: "Elysium" (Matt Damon)
As a former Obama fan Damon, his idol's actions have really discouraged him. Self-editing and acting in a "Promised Land" is not enough, and there will be another sci-fi visual blockbuster. It is actually very easy to show up and perform some medical reforms. I just don't know, will his idol watch this film?

Fifth place: "Black near the ink" (Robert Redford)
mentions this 70-year-old Redford, maybe not much is known about the post-80s and 90s, but he mentioned the classic business card "Tiger" from the 1960s and 1970s. "Leopard Cub", some people may have heard of such an ear. In the film, the line "This country's system is to serve the richest and the richest" finally violated the bottom line of mainstream society and made this man who had made great contributions to Hollywood" "Sun Dance Boy" was excluded.

Sixth place: "The Strong Men's Money Robber" (Michael Bay/Mark Wahlberg/Dawn Johnson)
When the people of the country hadn't figured out what the Chinese dream was, Michael, the director of "Transformers" •Bei unexpectedly brings you a film that mocks the American dream. Let us sometimes make a little joke in private about the comparison of the Chinese Dream with others, it is really a little bit insignificant.

Seventh place: "Frozen Land" (Nicholas Cage/John Cusack)
When the two actor and actress are still fighting each other to fight for life and death, they are not as good as Radha Mitchell's casual sentence: "It's just that the system is not strong, and it does not mean you give up your determination to become better." Chinese people will have unexpected small benefits when they read it. Some English versions of this sentence are translated into: "It's just that the system is not as good as socialism, and it doesn't mean you give up your determination to become better".

Eighth place: "Pearls" (Sophia Coppola)
Audiences who have watched "Lost in Tokyo" may have a bit of an impression of this young female director and cousin of Nicolas Cage. This time, she has boldly adapted a real news story for the audience. In addition to the various celebrity mansions that blind people in the film, the subversive line will make people remember. : "Americans have a perverted obsession with male and female thieves."

Ninth place: "Empire" (Liam Hemsworth/Dawn Johnson)
The father who worked for ten years was easily fired. There is no pension and no insurance. These plots are black enough. What's even more amazing is that after the invincible guy finished stealing the money, the first thing he had to do was to give a portion of the money to the wives of his colleagues, so as to balance his indignation against the system. What's more tragic is that this is another adaptation of a real story.

Tenth place: "The Wolf of Wall Street" (Martin Scorsese/Leonardo DiCaprio)
Don’t think that it’s worthless to rank last. In the marching team, the last place is often the big one. Coffee, used to hold the line after the break. Although I haven't seen the film myself, we can already know a little bit about it with the news footage of the 70-year-old director Martin being pointed and scolded by the nose and the disputes between the media.

After the closing remarks, I hope that the foreigners and foreigners will not be discouraged after reading this recommendation. After all, nothing in this world is born perfect. It is because of dreams that human beings have the motivation to pursue perfection. All of us sincerely hope that America will get better and the world will get better.

PS: If there are audiences who feel that ten films are too few, the meaning is still not enough. You can continue to search in the film sea and watch the documentary "The Hidden War" in which the female soldier was gang-raped, and how the Pakistani guy studying in the United States became a "terrorist" in the "Stranger in Lahore Tea House". There is also the experience of Iraqi youths in "The Citizen" in rectifying their own names in the United States, and an older documentary "The Good Men Who Saved the World". I don't know if the two directors who changed their nationalities and wanted to release the film are now dead. Is alive.

View more about Killing Them Softly reviews

Extended Reading
  • Nicolas 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    The same killer, according to "7 Neuropathies" is too much! Pete is suitable for playing this kind of deep killer who controls the whole situation. Only Pete can see. Without the presence of Obama on the TV as a reminder, I really don't feel that the background of the film is the United States today. The whole film is composed of multiple dialogues between two people, the difference is that the characters are different. I don't like this kind of chatter. America is not a country, it is a business.

  • Rylan 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Alas, I really don't understand it. It's a mystery. This is.

Killing Them Softly quotes

  • Russell: [to Frankie] Then after we go over to Orlando. We're gonna burn the car. So Kenny sticks a rag in the gas tank and he lights it off.

    Kenny Gill: [flashback to when they're going to burn the car] Do be such a-Russell, you're a fucking pussy. I've done it a million fucking times.

    [lights the rag with a lighter]

    Kenny Gill: It's fine. It goes up like a fuckin bonfire. You'll love it.

    [he walks away towards the back of the car and faces it from a few yards away. The rag's flame is spreading]

    Kenny Gill: See?

    [Kenny looks at Russell and back at the car. They're both watching the car and the flame spread on the rag. The car blows up and the impact makes it instantly reverse towards Kenny. Kenny topples over on the road and is rolling around in pain. Russell starts laughing hysterically]

    Kenny Gill: Ah fuck!

    Russell: [scene goes back to Russell telling the story to Frankie] Kenny, he didn't have no eyebrows left, not much hair, and no sense of humor either.

  • Jackie Cogan: Now, aside from The Squirrel, we got the kids. Two kids. One of them's the motor-mouth; drove to Florida with Kenny, Kenny Gill. Our Kenny, the guy he knows works for Dillon. Starts bragging about how he's a big-time operator that just knocked over this guy's game for 100K.

    Driver: [chuckles] You serious?

    Jackie Cogan: I don't know what it is with these guys; they can't keep their mouths shut about nothin'. And Kenny - Kenny's just as dumb. The way I found out was, this guy's investing his money in a couple ounces of smack. Once Kenny comes in with him, Kenny comes to me and wants to know what I think about that.

    Jackie Cogan: I guess these guys, they just want to go to jail. Probably feel at home there.