rain girl no melon

Kiarra 2022-04-09 09:01:08

So simple that it's not worth learning even if the structure is standard. It's not much of a concern whether the arrogant, rich old man can recognize his beautiful young wife, and lovely daughter, and son who seems to be nowhere near as rebellious as his teenage years. Therefore, even if there is a character arc, it does not arouse my interest, just like my home in the northern hemisphere, reading the news that an ordinary rainbow appeared in the southern hemisphere~

In addition to the ultimate contradiction of becoming a cat, the goal of being the tallest building and not going to market is also confusing to me. Even if you become the tallest building in your country, there are so many countries in the world, and the society has been developing. Pursuing this can only be considered as a personal interest... The unwillingness to go public can be understood as protecting the property from the encroachment of the evil capitalists. (Although he is a big capitalist himself), but I can't put myself in their house. As an ordinary investor, if there is a really good company, of course I hope to buy the corresponding stocks.

There are a lot of grooves in the plot setting. Fortunately, the actors are all my favorites. Although the cat is not particularly cute, the hair flying in all directions fits the image of the character. The special effects are not like the 16-year-old movie, maybe the cost is not high. If it is a warm family film, but the characters are in the top 2% of society, it is a bit of a castle in the air; if it is purely a brainless cool film, it is not particularly interesting, at least far less than the action film theme. Big; I don't know what I watched, anyway, I just finished watching it with ease.

Maybe, this movie is hoping to tell the story of an arrogant and selfish person who has changed in a fantasy experience, although its audience may not be this group of people... Sometimes I will prepare some snacks according to the theme of the movie. This time, it was because I bought a wave of snacks and wanted to find a movie to match. I have to say, I was looking for the right one.

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Nine Lives quotes

  • Felix Perkins: I wouldn't take that call Ian hang up

    [Ian carries on conversing into a cell phone and is promptly run over]

    Felix Perkins: [last lines]

    Ian Cox: [Now stuck in a cat as his comatose body is wheeled away] But I HATE Cats!

    Felix Perkins: [Smugly repeating what he told Tom] That's why it makes this so perfect

  • Lara Brand: No wonder tom got you... your just like him