Battle of Midway

Dortha 2022-03-21 09:02:33

The Battle of Midway completely changed the pattern of the war at that time and laid the groundwork for the victory of World War II. In the film, you can't see some scenes that rashly change history. Instead, every scene is very elegant. While respecting history to the greatest extent, it shows the responsibility and patriotism of the soldiers at that time. And there is no clear position in the film to show which country is right and which country is wrong, but uses a lot of narrative means to tell their training, life...Leaving the audience themselves critical thinking space.

The biggest feeling is: large-scale naval battles, aircraft carriers, cruisers, aircraft battle groups, submarines, large-scale coordinated command battles... This is what China lacked in World War II, the country was poor and weak, and there was no navy. , the air force is also negligibly small, China is in such a difficult environment to compete with Japan. The Chinese people are great!

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Midway quotes

  • Wade McClusky: Men like Dick Best are the reason we're going to win this war.

  • Clarence Dickinson: What are Army planes doing on a carrier ?