The Negotiator

Jose 2021-11-16 08:01:26

"1" Negotiator + Criminal: The criminal wants to kill his own daughter, and the negotiator tries to persuade the criminal.
"2" High-level: I think the negotiator has failed in the negotiation, and he is ready to try force to attack.
"3" Negotiator + high-level: The negotiator does not give up and asks to enter the criminal's room for negotiation. The high-level does not allow it, but the negotiator forcibly enters the criminal's room.
"4" Negotiator + Criminal: He said that his wife had already come and was about to enter the room. The criminal suspected that the negotiator used his own life as a bet, and the criminal agreed to the negotiator to come in.
Negotiator + Criminal: In order to check that all rooms are empty , the criminal is led into the bedroom. The police sneaked into the room to rescue the little girl. The negotiator used a navy signal to distract the criminal. After giving the police three gestures to the opposite building, the criminal was successfully knocked down.
"6" Police Force: Dancing.
"7" Police Force + Negotiator: TV coverage of the negotiator, the chief and other congratulations to the negotiator.
"8" nate+negotiator: tell the negotiator that the ghost inside the police station is 2 million people, the force is very large, and the scope is very wide. , But didn’t say who it was.
"9" Nate + Negotiator: Nate asked a negotiator, but was shot by a masked man. When the negotiator arrived, Nate was dead. The police caught the negotiator at the scene of the crime.
"10" Negotiator + Senior Police Officer: The negotiator said that there was an inner ghost in the police station, but he didn't know who the inner ghost was.
"11" everyone + negotiator: held a funeral for nate, the negotiator shed tears.
"12" Negotiator + Senior Police Officer: The negotiator was searched and it was found that he had overseas account information. The negotiator thought he was framed and began to suspect the police around him.
Pressure ★
Negotiator + Director: The negotiator was asked by the Director to hand in his gun and police badge.
Negotiator + nate wife: blamed by nate wife.
pressure ★★★
Negotiator + Judge: The judge said that closing his eyes can sentence the negotiator, and only gives the negotiator one day to consider whether he pleaded guilty or not.
Negotiator + Lawyer: The lawyer does not help the negotiator, and asks the negotiator to plead guilty and seek a reduction in sentence.
negotiator + Wife: Do not tell a little with his wife, decided to do ~
................................. …………………
"17" Negotiator + Minister of Supervision: The negotiator believed that the Minister of Supervision knew the truth and asked the Minister of Supervision to tell the truth, but the Minister of Supervision insisted not to say it.
"18" Negotiator + Minister of Supervision: If you hijack the Minister of Supervision, you can't stop without finding out the truth.
ᐁᐁᐁ is
determined to ★
Negotiator + everyone in the Supervision Department : Clear the scene and let all irrelevant personnel go out.
determination ★★
Negotiator + another high official: another high official is held hostage.
The "21" police car was dispatched.
"22" Negotiator + Minister of Supervision + Female Secretary + Fatty: Female secretary is not afraid of negotiators, and Fatty caters to it.
"23" Negotiator + Minister of Supervision: They will either kill me or kill you.
"24" helicopter + police car: airborne police, blockade the bridge, clear the field, and sniper in position.
"25" Negotiator + Police: The negotiator blocked the vent.
"26" Negotiator + Police: The negotiator found the camera and destroyed all the cameras.
"27" Negotiator + Police: The negotiator said that he killed the fat man without talking to Chris within 20 minutes.
"28" chris+daughter+wife: chris can't convince his daughter and wife. Chris received the call.
"29" Negotiator + Police: A fat policeman called to persuade the negotiator to delay the time, but instead of being taught by the negotiator, the negotiator fired a shot.
"31" Negotiator + Hostage: The hostage convinces the negotiator and fails.
"32" Negotiator + Police: Negotiator negotiates with the police, there are still 4 minutes.
"33" Negotiator + Minister of Supervision: When did you know that Nate knew the inside story? The Minister of Supervision was lying, and even the fat man could see it.
"34" Negotiator + chris:
"35" chris + Negotiator's wife:
"36" Negotiator + chris:
"37" Negotiator + police: The police suddenly broke through the window and the sniper couldn't bear to shoot at the negotiator.
"38" chris+ senior police officer: Either I will negotiate, or you can solve it by force. The police gave Chris the supreme command.
"39" Negotiator + Police: Standing on a tall building and killing me, Chris prevented the police from trying to solve it again by force.
"40": Killed the first hostage? ?
"41" The female secretary said all the information in the computer.
"42" Negotiator + chris: Chris brings back a hostage, and the negotiator wants to get back the electricity.
"43" everyone cheered.
"44" Negotiator + Female Secretary: Turn on the computer and enter the password.
"45" Negotiator + Supervision Minister:
"46" Negotiator + chris: Ask nate's wife who is the informant, and you can get another hostage.
"47" Police + chris: Prepare the police from the vent, chris agrees.
"48" Several police conspiracy.
"49" Negotiator +
"50" Negotiator + chris: Find an informant and ask for all hostages in exchange.
"51" Negotiator + informant: The negotiator loves to expose that the informant is fake.
"52" Negotiator + chris:

"53" Negotiator + Monitoring Minister: The Minister gave out the list of people who corrupted money, and the evidence is in a safe place.
"54" Negotiator + police: gun fighting. The Minister of Inspectorate died.
"55" chris+FBI: The FBI withdrew chris, and chris ran in to help the negotiator.
"56" Negotiator + FBI: If you don't surrender in 5 minutes, the FBI will attack in an all-round way.
"57" Negotiator + chris: The negotiator proved that he pretended to kill a hostage before, in order to make chris believe in himself.
"58" Negotiator + Police: The police attacked and the negotiator escaped.
"59" Negotiator + chris: Chris takes the negotiator with him.
"60" Negotiator+chris: Chris gets in the car with the negotiator.
"61" Female Secretary + Police: The female secretary said that the negotiator went to the surveillance minister's house to find evidence.
"62" police negotiator + + chris + Frost: Chris said that if he got evidence, he wanted to divide it. Frost said everything.
"63" The police arrested Frost.
"64" Negotiator + Wife: Reunion.

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Extended Reading
  • Garret 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    The bridge is a bit outdated now.

  • Dario 2021-11-16 08:01:26

    Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors, one of them, but in fact, there are not many of my favorite actors... This movie is well conceived, and the policeman played by Samuel fights alone. The desperate feeling of previous friends who wanted to kill themselves was very moving. That little bastard also had a scene, and he knew the technology and was righteous enough.

The Negotiator quotes

  • [Talking to Omar about Pit Bulls]

    Lieutenant Danny Roman: There's the right man's best friend and the wrong man's worst enemy.

  • Lieutenant Danny Roman: [while trying to talk down a Hostage Taker through a closed door] Yeah, I like animals better than people sometimes... Especially dogs. Dogs are the best. Every time you come home, they act like they haven't seen you in a year. And the good thing about dogs... is they got different dogs for different people. Like pit bulls. The dog of dogs. Pit bull can be the right man's best friend... or the wrong man's worst enemy. You going to give me a dog for a pet, give me a pit bull. Give me... Raoul. Right, Omar? Give me Raoul.

    Omar: [shouting at his Pitbull that is constantly barking] I fucking hate Raoul! Shut the fuck up, asshole! Son of a bitch won't shut up!

    Lieutenant Danny Roman: [to his partner Nathan] Hates Raoul. Farley fucked up the list.

    Lieutenant Danny Roman: [talking again to Omar through a door] Yeah... I can dig it, Omar. I had a dog like that... a poodle. She didn't bark, though... She pissed on the floor. I hated that dog. But if I was ever depressed... she'd lay her head in my lap, look up at me with those big old eyes. And even though I thought I hated that dog... I loved her. It's like that, ain't it? That love-hate thing.

    Omar: [getting more erractic] No more goddamned talk! I can't wait anymore. I want my wife! I want her up here. Or I'll do our daughter. Listen to me... no more talking. I want that bitch or I'll do the girl.

    Lieutenant Danny Roman: Omar, I'm doing the best I can here, man.

    Omar: I'm not going to hurt her. I just want her to see me blow my brains out. I want her to think about that when she's sucking that fat prick's cock.