cleverly designed script

Llewellyn 2022-04-14 09:01:07

The ending is so well designed. The police want to bring the murderer to justice, and the underworld boss wants to kill the murderer. How can they satisfy the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction between the two? The screenwriter has a heart. The gang boss and the police are in partnership when they arrest people, and the same is true during the trial. Only by relying on the testimony of the black boss can the murderer be sentenced to death. However, South Korea does not have the death penalty. In order to morally send the murderer to the west, it is necessary to rely on the black boss to go to prison to complete this mission. I can only say that this design is really ingenious, five-star recommendation.

Add a few small knowledge points:

The police poured out the alcohol when they were drinking with the black boss, in fact, because in South Korea, if you were drinking with your elders, you had to turn your side to show respect. The police subconsciously regarded the black boss as their real boss, so they showed their respect. In order to save some face, the wine was poured out.

South Korea does not currently have the death penalty.

Since the execution of 23 criminals under Kim Young-sam's government in December 1997, South Korea has not carried out executions, and has been included in the ranks of "countries that have actually abolished the death penalty".

But in the 10-year moratorium between 1998 and 2007, an average of 800 people were brought to court for homicide each year, a 32 percent increase.

In 2009, the Supreme Court of South Korea ruled that the death penalty did not violate the national constitution and was not really abolished. At the same time, there was unprecedented public pressure in South Korea to restore the death penalty system.

But there is still no death penalty.

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